3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 10

31.0NEY MARKET. sTor. Excrotway. FainAv Arrvicvmm, sTor. Excrotway. FainAv Arrvicvmm,

The English Stock-nutrket*was tolerably steady till Wednesday ; when the purchase of 150,000/. Consols on account of the estate of the late Mr. Ilasi- ausushry, and an investment a S0,000/. by the Chancery Broker, catts«1 in improvement of l; per cent., the price for Money being as high as SS% The market, however, speedily rave way ; but was the next cloy again forced up by another large purchase. The speculators connected with the pigeon-cm:tams took advantage of the rise to sell largely, and the market closed heavily yes. terday afternoon. The tend,ney to decline was increased upon the ne.t.ipt French prices of Wednesday, Sr inch became known in the usual course thiF morning ; and as a broker, who has the credit of acting for the " Jew pr rt has sold about 200,000/., the price has continued falling daring the whole and, after being at Si& both tom' aloney and Account—thus establishing a &- cline of' 111 per cent. from the highest price of Wednesday—closes at for Account. The purchase on itecosint of Ilastaiensags's estate teased considerable surprise, aud it is understood that the executor bits taken this course to place certain assets in security during the investigation of the all:tits of the late banking-house. It is needless, after stating this circumstance, to say that the anticipated resumption of payment has not taken place ; and we fear that the present aspect is very unfavourable for the creditors. Excite. quer Bills have been till to-day at 3s. to is. premium, but as there has been some few purchases made in the course of the morning, the quotation has reached Ss. tremium.

The Foreign Funds have been comparatively steady ; and, is ith the exception of the settlement of the Account, which occurred on Tuesday, tlh.ew(1,,tam:i(mit-eas: transacted in them during the early part of the week %vas not extensive. la the course of yesterday, howevm::., a very large purchase of Dutch half per Cents. was made by an influential broker; and these Securities were f weed up from 50 to 51i, the Cinema purchased being about 470,000 guilders. The market has been so cleared of Slavic by recent purchases, that the jobbers were unwilling to sell even at the advanced quotation given abuts:. The de. cline of the Consol-market has, however, produced a corresponding effect upon these Securities; and the price has been to-day as low as 30, beiug a reaction to the extent of' the whole improvement. Spanish Active Stuck has Leen in dematal during the first part of' the week; and was as high as 23. The decline in that Security in I'etris, coupled with the depression of our own market, Las operated unfavourably, and the price has been to-day as low as 22k, closing at 224 L. Some huge purchases have Leen made in Portuguese Bonds ; the Five per Cents. haviug been at 34, and the Three per Cents. at I2t : the price Las, however, since given way al.unt 1 er cent. The last advises from Labatt were very favourable ; and it is generally believed that the long-contemplatem1 arrangement for the payment (It a portion of the Dividend becoming due in January next, will be carried into effect. The decline of the English Fundi has, however, produced the deposolon above referred to. :Mexican Securities have exit( rlenced a momentary impulse ; but the busi- ness transacted imns not been I cry important. Them have been but few trans- actions In South .1.1111`TiCan 1,1 ocks generafix ; the disposition to improvement which the Mvourahle intelligence from 111exicohad produced, having been com.ter- acted by the disappointment in tie payment of the Chilian (lividend, to aimich we allude below. Advises from Rio JAnciro, to 21st September have linen ree.lveml: the estimate of receipts and expenditure for the year 1;?4y-16-il, had been subnmitted to the Chambers by the ISlinister of Finance : the deficiency is e-ti- mated at 10,14.1 contos of reis, or about 1,600,00(1/. sterling. Hall' this urn only has accrued during the present year, its the amount is swelled by lined 5,000 etmtes, the deficit of the y err Itr39-1S.10. There has not been any ma. tcrial variation in the price of Brazilian Stock, which is heavy only in mates quenee of time depression of the English Funds. The market has been almost entirely cleared of the floating Leads, and all speculation in them has long since ceased.

It was anticipated that a (lie:Jai:1 would have been paid on the let October upon the Chilian Stock ; but though it is known a sum meetly sufficient

to pay 011e. bee11 hr tie hands of the agents for some time, and that a further remittance was received by :he last arrival, no advertisement of any intended payment has uppearod, communication been made to tliel..,mattim American Committee, or the BOI■dliuldCTS. SAITIMAV, TWI'Lve 1).('', vie.

EllgliS11 Ftinds opened heavily, and Consols for Money alai Account were dOlIV its lmmrv aS ■t•.7;!. The arelais lisee, however, been guncially ha:, ere For Money, and as sonic of the t,a2.'ell speculators have also ivarght laraely for .1ccount, the price has iniprov,-,i, :qui after being at 87;.•! both 14 :11ni:ey aad

Account, the prim is now : fits the current Account alai ss,), tor Novem-

ber, Exchequer Fails are Os, t pretn. The abdication of the kim.g of 1 kiland Ii mr pm-maimed is decline in Dutch Two-and-n-half• and that stock wilF fr,ely m,mfered at -EL', at the en-,-a neeineat of bushiest : the tirintiths a the hinds has, however, an improvement in this stork, aid the price is now .!9!, The only other Foreign Finals that have been alfict,d nwrnicg Imre been Spanish Active, a Melt a-as heavy, and 1ms been (iontL,I at 22!„ hut has since improved, and is how 221 i. The other Foreign finals aro at yesterday's price 5.

m m't lisuiS 17 j 1101gian 5per Cent.,

r Am•mint 87; ! 6 per ! , ceot.1:.•d■wod ! ;; per Cents

tyr Cent. Ditto 116 118

Dutch 1!I

• ,! 11.-111, 9111 7 I 1 Ilet.licy pm Cts. i5! 771 , Ditto 3 per (11•111s -11.1 511 C pai I 1Mssimi 5 per Cmiis 14:1 11