3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 11



On the 23,1 ult., at Moore Ahhey, Kildare, the Lady IImenv Mount:, if a daughter, On the 25th Litt., at the Vicarage, Battersea, the I km Mrs. EDEN, Ot ii Son: On the 27th tC.t., at Leamington, the Lady of WILLIAM PhownEx, Esq., ot Plowden Hall, Salop, of a (laughter.


On the lit inst.. at St. George's, Hanover Square, Lora gFATORD. to Lady Ilanov, ',Skase of Viee Admiral Sir Thotnns !lardy. late Governor of' Greenwich Ilona:IL Ott the 26th ult., at Marylehone Church, TuomAs Foarrscc c, EST, M. P., of garde-dale, to the Lady LAIR; (;RACE \VANN:SEIM!) BUTLER, daughter or the late and shter or the present Marquis or Ormond. ■ m the 29h1i ult., at Paxton [louse, near Iterwiek, the Hen, CHARLES Sir. Chant, R.N., second son of Lord Sinclair, to ISABELLA JANE, y■dIllgest daughter or 'William F. Home, Esq., of Paxton. On the fat inst., at St. Pancras New Church, Captain SYDNEY COLPOYS DAI,RES. FOB or the bite viee•AtImiral Sir Richard. Dams, G.C.t I., to EnSIA, dau.;11ter of John Lamtert, F.,41.. of Tavistock Square. On the 231 ult.. at Edinburgh. ALEXANDER Mrrancm, INNES, eldeNt sou id' William Mitchell bows, Esq., of Parson's Green, to CdAnt.orri.:Gotteux, thiol daughter of Sir Thomas Dick Lauder. Ott the let inst., at St. Pancras Church. FREOEHICH AIISTIN hhtettait N, Esq., Son of Maim Richardson, of CressweR Park, Blackheath, to CATHERINE, daughter of the late, lienienalit.General Hoye, of Extuouth, Devon. On the hit just., nt St. Marylehone Church. the Rev. T. W. A T,T.TEs, EN:1111111Ing Vain OE the MAO)) or Loudon, and Fellow of Wtollnun to ELIZA Seel nil daughter of T. Harding Newman, Esq., of Nelmes, is the C tudy of Essex. DEATHS.

On the 30th ult., at his residence in Barley Street, Admiral Sir Ross Doss:max, K.C.11., in his 77th year. On the 21th tilt., at Pegwell Cottage. otter Ramsgate, the Right 11013. Sir Wn,r,tAxt OARRoW, it, his 81st year. On the 29th tilt., ;It Bolton Row, Roamer WSNIumarit PoNsoNar, yi-nwjest sou attic tkm, Georee Ponsonby. Ott the 19th ult., at Cheltenham, MART, Wire if .Tohn Macleod, Esq., of Rasay, and. wily daughter of Ma;or-General Sir ILRI:11.1 Mnele0(1, On the. 26th ult., at his apartmeols 1 lie..,-eut Street, Sir JAII1F. LAWRENCE, Kttkhtt of Malta. the only Englishman xvho iii c,t that honour. Ile was the ..Idest son or the Ink' Richard Lawrence, of rairlield estate. in St..hones's, Jamaiea a linea:dei.eendaut of limn), Lawrence, Lord Pre.ddent or Cromwell's l'H‘y (*outwit. On the 30th ult., at Mortimore, PENELovE IIcx.rEit, the Wife tit* Sir Claudius Hunter, in her 69th year.

On the 23d ult., MART, the Wife or Mr. Sergeant Serivem

Ott the 28th 'it hi, residence, Blandford Plaee, Regent's*Park, Limit. Col. Jont-it x a.hlte Or the Madras Artillery, in the 83d tear of his age. Ott the 15th tilt., at Chippenham, EumA, third daughter of the late Mit;or.General

Row nes, of Sulton Itettger, Wilts.

th the 22d tilt., at Cheltenham, CLEMENTINA, eldest daughter of the late .lanies Craikshank. Esq., or Langley Park, Pornushiro. On the 23,1 ult., at Malawi-on-the-water, Bloneestersb :re, thin net% TIVIMAs Cow's, 14,A., in his Gist year. Oa the 28th ult., at Ilinigerford, .1( Its IltAratwgra., Esq., Civil Engineer, who Mr up- wards of the Lot lot ty• live years has been human ably eunueeted with the Keanet and Avon Canal. in his (7alt year. Ott the 221 ult., at It!, lands, Peckham Rye, MoRLET HAMILTON HENSON, Esq., of the 0111110.11Ce Department. 'rower.

On the 20th ult.. in Wyndham Place, Plymouth, after a few days' illness, .Mtcninamt Humus% Esq., R.N., in his 79th year.