3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 16

The following are the Regulations and scale of Fees alluded

to in the text, and Avbiett we reprint to complete the subject. Besides the new Record-office, they are in fbree at " the Record-office of the Tower, Rolls Chapel, and Chapterhouse, and the Repositories of the Records of the Kiag's Bench at the Rolls House, the Common Pleas in the Carlton Ride, and the Repository, No. 3, Whitehall Yard, and of the Exchequer of Pleas in the said Repository, No. 3, Whitaall Yard, and all such other Record-ollices and repositories as shall hereafter be brought under the regulations of the said act Ly the said Master of the Rolls." The " private " indexes ot the Rolls are, however, excepted for the present.


" 1. The Public Office, and all the above-mentioned Offices and Repositories, are to be opened daily from tel till four, excepting on Sundays and the follow- ing holidays, viz.—

May '24th, her Majesty's Birthday. June 2..)th, her Majoty's Corooatoon. Good Friday ahol Satordooi following, Easter Monday and Tuesday. Whit-Mond:1 and Whit-Tuesday. Christmas Day to New Year's 1/ay inc u lsive.

Ar.d such tIa3, a as may be appoihted for phblie fasts or thanksgivines.

"11. A book is to be kept at each of the ,a'al Record-offices mod Repositories,

in which each party reriuiring the u.e r,1:4,rdt is to enter tto: follotting Far. tic ulars,—viz. date, name of party roaki■.g the application, reference to the record, and the service witch he requires,— viz, inspection, extract, copy, or at- tendance with a record.

" III. Upon the inspection of a record, the party may tukt notes, extracts, UT copies therefrom, io pencil, as he may thiok tit.

" I V. Copies al,: to be made and delivered according to priority of applica- tion, or as hear thereto as the WO ore of the copy will admit (if, except in special cases for particular resins assigeed.

"V. No Assistant-Keeper, Clerk, or other officer, is to act as a record-solicitor or as record-agent for individuals, otherwise than in the discharge of his offi- cial duties.

"VI. No stranger is to be allowed to have any use or a record, excepting in the presence and under the inspection) of an Assistant-Keeper Or Other ()Meer of the establishment, and in all eases where the record may he liable to be injured or damaged, the assistant-keeper is to give such directions for preventing such injury or damage as the case may require."


"Table of Fees to be paid air the use of the Records, Calendars, and Indexes, and for Copies of Records, at the abuve•mentianed Record Adliees o,o1

Repositories. c s For a General Search in all the Calendars or Indexes of each office 0 I 0 For Inspection of Rceords [The fia to cover all the use which may be made of the Record Mr the current web.] Each separate Roll of Chancery, or other Roll of Consecutive Elirohnents, excepting the Sp,:cilieation Rolls at the Rolls 0 1 0

Chapel The Rolls, Files, or Bandies of Petit', ellings of Courts of Com- unin Law each year (that is to) soy, time Records of the four terms to he covered It the fee) 0 1 0 Rolls or Mitd,ters' and'Iteceivers' Aceounts, Court Rolls, Sur- veys, En let Terriers, Deeds, and mhoolloneotts decuments, classed topographieally ulokr 011e head, whether of parish, town, viii, manor, lordship, borough, city, deanery, arch-

deaconry, or tketw, each set in series 0 5 0 Single Records or the last-mentioned description 0 1 0 Spennivations at the Rolls Chapel, each, and which is to in-

clude the fee for starch 0 1 0 Post-mortem Impihdtions, aud other inquisitions upon the file, Returns to Commissions, Petit's, Chirographs, amit COLCOMIS

of Fines 0 1 0 General Imrction of the last-nientimied documents as to any 0 3 0 family or place Rolls of Parliament, or other ParEamentary proceedings, each Parliament 0 1 0

Proceedings in Courts of Equity, cad :mit 0 1 0 Every bound Book, Portffilia, rtr V01111110, Without reference to the nature or number of doe documents whielo it may contaid 0 1 0 All other doeablents not bel..,re ehit;aeratel, each 0 1 0 [If the number bona lilt rtainirt.,1 for prosecuting any

setae!' Teloting to any family, placo, or single object of inquiry, ,deolt eNceed tivo, then it shall be in the disere-

lion of the .:‘,istant Keeper to relit the fees for all

above that number.] For collies of Records : Under three hilios of ninety words 0 1 6 Above three folios, per folio 0 0 6 [The fee for inspection of a record to he deducted, if a copy he taken front the record produced.] For Examinatian and Anthentication Under three if required 0 1 6 Above three folios, por if required 0 0 6

For Enrohnent or any tcitritt,ni, per fblio 0 0 6 For annexing Drawings or nips to any Enrolment or Speed-

0 1 0 For attendance at the bar or the noose of Lords or elsewhere, for the purpose of producing reeords (including the produc- tion thereof,) or for giving evidence upon the Records, per diem 2 2 0 Attending the Master of the Rolls on a vaeatur 0 5 0

" Rolls House, 17th July 1S40. (Signed) LANGDALE, M.R."

NOTE ON TUE Raman anronat PAPERS.

We have received a communication from a gentleman connected with RecortH, impugning the new system, and praising the old. As his letter, however, merely expresses tilt °pinion, unsupported either by linos or arguments, no use could attend its publication : in fact, while it could not be of cnay service to the writer's views, it possibly might be injurious to himself.