3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 2

Zbe Court.

Tne Queen has taken occasional drives and walks during the week, when the weather permitted. The Castle dinner-parties have been limited to the Court circle. On Thursday afternoon, her Majesty end Prince Albert left Windsor for Claremont ; where the Court was to remain 1111 alSer the funeral of the Princess Augusta.

Her MAjtsoy put on mourning for the Princess Augusta the day after the demise of her Roved Highness, and will continue to wear it for three months. The Court mourning is, according to precedent, for three weeks.-- Pest.

The Queen Dowager left London on Monday, by the London and Birmingham Railway, for Sudbury Hall, Derbyshire ; where her Ma- jesty arrived at five o'clock the same evening. The Dmehesa of Kent, attended by Lady Charlotte Dundas, arrived at her reaklence, Ingestre House, Belgrave Square' on Thursday after- noon, front a visit to her .litiesty at Windsor Castle. Her Royal Highness visited the Dutchess of Gloucester and the Duke of Cam- bridge, at Gloucester House.

Prince George of Cambridge arrived at Gloucester House on Wed- nesday last, from Dublin, to attend the obsequies of the Princess Augusta.