3 OCTOBER 1840, Page 5

The war- steamer Polyphemus and the ship.of-the-line London were launched

at Chatham on Monday, with the usual ceremonies. The burden of the steamer is 800 tons ; it is intended partly for fighting and partly to be used as a transport. The London is one of the largest two- deck ships ever built ; she is pierced for 92 guns, 68 and 32-pounders, but she will carry more ; her burden is 2,602 tons.

On Wednesday' week, a terrible explosion of' fireworks took place at the house of a man named Randall, a firework-manufacturer at Halton, near Leeds, by which his wife and daughter were killed. Randall went to Leeds on that day, leaving his wife in the kitchen, where there was a fire, tilling squibs and blue-lights, and a woman and two girls pursu- ing the sante occupation in another room. Mrs. Randall was filling a squib, when the powder-case burst. She emptied the powder into the bowl containing the composition, and threw the ease into the fire. All the powder had not been taken out ( 1! the ea:ie, for it exploded, and was thrown alight amongst a quantity cc manufactured fireworks placed under the dresser to dry ; and the whole mass exploded with a dreadful report, breaking all the windows, and otherwise damaging the house. The woman mid two girls escaped unhurt.

A reckless act was committed by a drunken man, named Thorogood, on the Eastern Counties Rnilway at Brentwood, on Tuesday nigh; which might have bad very serious consequences. About twelve o'clock, Thorogood turned on the steam of a halhisttengine, which had been left unattended on the line by the engine-driver. 111: engine im- mediately moved forward ; and it was. of et impossible for the men to stop it. Fortunately the diret.tion it to.ilt was towards an exca- vation about live hundred yards di.;tant ; where the wheels became hn- bedded in the earth. Had it taken the other direction, the et:gine would in all probability have gone to the terminas at Shoreditch. Thorogood is apprehended, and it is understood will be prose,•utt-d by the Company.

Mr. Green; with six passengers, ti:-et.n..:ed from Norwich on Thursday morning, in the Nassau balionn ; and afftr reaehing an altitude of 8.000 Peet, made a descent at Melton. The gelipline-iron caught a n.ce, and the 11-ronauts suffered me the slielnest emeeu,sion.--Essez Herald.

At Liverpool County Police Court, on Monday, Mr. William Lynn, proprietor of the Waterloo tote:, Lleerpool, was convicted, and fined 200/. for keeping the Grand Steed at the Aintree Race-course, and for permitting persons to play roulette there.

: x ford shire. A new George Ihrnwell was On Friday last, as Mr. John

walk- ing in his otvn earlen, Ile ,11 .; • only bruised by the blow. Tne 0:1 who had been seen lnrkine about the ee:e! ' • , the descrip- tion of Mr. Davey's nephew 7. 1 i.:,rgO for- nephew is twenty-three year= :


tune since he came of 11,.• 1: • t • 1, money, of' his uncle. He fol!, and W,:, -•• .1 IL • P. after a despe-

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