3 OCTOBER 1863, Page 3

There is a war going on inJapan in which England,

France, Holland, and America, are all alike engaged ; but nobody knows who are their antagonists. The Princes, apparently, who own the soil around the inland sea, fire on the war steamers as they pass through its entrance, and the steamers fire upon them ; the Dutch Medusa, the French Kechiane, and the American Wyoming having all played this game. Colonel Neale has applied in vain to Shanghai for a European regiment, General Brown preferring to let the only one disposable go home on relief; but by the latest telegram Admiral Kuper, with the whole British fleet, has left Yoko- hama in order to punish the Princes. The Tycoon, all this while, seems to think it very commendable of the British to punish men whom he cannot reach, and has sent a flag with permission to fire on any vessel not bearing that particular ensign. Consequently, the British Government is at this moment putting down rebellion in the empire of China and Japan, nobody knows why or to whose advantage.