3 OCTOBER 1914, Page 19


L TO nit EDITOR or 1111 " SPICTATOL.1 Sie,—A thousand thanks for the stern and faithful article dealing with Messrs. MacDonald and Co. It will scotch their efforts, though I doubt not we shall hear much more later on. I am exceedingly glad to see that we have now a Penny Blue Book of the events leading up to the war. I wrote to the Daily News on Monday, through which I first got intelligence of this new departure, urging that they should lead an effort to get the libraries and reading-rooms of the United States provided with this little document. I do not know if the Daily News will take it up. I should be exceed- ingly glad to help in such an effort in any way I could, and to begin by contributing fifty copies of the Blue Book. I do not think the enterprise is superfluous in view of the persistent untruthful campaign conducted by the enemy.—I am, Sir, Ste.,