3 OCTOBER 1914, Page 21


[To TER EDITOR OF TER "SPECTAT01....] SIR,—I think you may be interested in the roll of honour of men on active service connected with St. James Presby- terian Church, Wood Green. The roll was started three weeks after war was declared, and it has steadily grown week by week till it now numbers sixty-seven men in the Navy, Army, and Territorials. It is exhibited in all our church porches and rooms, where it forms a centre of eager interest. Our own men are specially remembered in prayer at each service, when a pause is made so that every worshipper may name their dear ones in silent prayer. By the kind per- mission of my friend Mr. Neil Munro, his " Evening Prayer of a People" is appended, which expresses in lyric form the desires of all hearts. The last two verses of the " Prayer" especially lend themselves for use as a vesper hymn. May I, as a regular reader, and none the less appreciative because differing in politics, express my personal thanks for your high-souled messages to the manhood of our country, and also for your first leader after the declaration of war in

"forgetting the things that were behind for evermore" am,