3 OCTOBER 1931, Page 12

THE ROAD REvolarrioN.

A book, as rapid in style as the subject it deals with, has

just been published by the Secretary of the A.A., This Motoring, by Stenson Cooke (Cassell, 3s. 6d.), and it has importance apart from its own qualities. Happily the A.A. (which has always shown constructive imagination) developed an eye for

beauty as well as use ; and has co-operated most fruitfully with the C.P.R.E. Mr. Cooke without conceit might have claimed this merit in his breathless book, which is a valuable historic record. But the A.A. is perhaps not yet completely converted. For instance, in an interesting passage explaining the initial difficulty experienced by the A.A. in persuading oil merchants of the possibility of substituting static pumps for portable petrol cans, Mr. Cooke concludes triumphantly, " Look at 'em. Twenty-five pumps between Newark and Stamford. I've counted them and the A.A. did it ! " How vastly greater the boast would have been if the A.A. had invested those twenty-five stations with reasonable beauty!