3 OCTOBER 1952, Page 6


0 "Crawfie " is at work again. In what I find a most repel- lent advertisement of a woman's paper I read : "At Last! Royal Governess `Crawfie' tells the full, intimate, authen- tic story." A little further : " Princess Margaret's strange world of make-believe." " Crawfie, Crawfie, I'm so lonely." We are told, as we were told before, about a similar publication, that " only Crawfie could have written it." I will say again, what I said then, " Only Crawfie would." Mr. Churchill once said he was trying to resist the profit-motive; there are times when it is worth resisting. But let me add this. If I am assured that what on the face of it is a series of articles based on knowledge acquired while in a confidential position has received the full authorisation and approval of Princess Margaret, and that the author has declined to accept any payment for them, I shall be ready to think differently from what I think now. * * * *