3 OCTOBER 1970, Page 35

Crossword 1449


A prize of three guineas will be awarded w the sender of the first correct solution opened on 12 October. Address solutions: Crossword 1449, 'The Spectator,' 99 Gower Street, London WC.1 Across 1 Toasts for oarsmen? (7) 5 Whaups north of the Border (7)

9 Such a Master's worth a thousand dollars (5)

10 To indulge in it is for the astronomer (9) 11 Their pointed efforts often lead to conver- sion (6) 12 Tribulations of the maiden going round the lake (8)

14 This berry does have a stone! (5) 15 Kate's pear is given to some birds (9) 18 Sue in the past prayed like this (9)

20 The patience of the devil! (5) 22 Assumed one would have a late snack, suit- ably set (8) 24 It was global for Wesley (6) 26 Psephologists give a word of warning to the

players (9) 27 Stays for those last words (5) 28 It's the sack for Falstaff! (7) 29 'Where the apple —, Never pry—Lest we lose our Eden, Eve and I' (Browning) (7) Down 1 Just a little game in the pavilion for Francois (9) 2 Undesirable sound of the bar, according to Tennyson (7) 3 Patience it was cured Anne (9) 4 Does it account for a rustle in court? (4) 5 It's all a matter of degree observable in 26 (10)

6 'One who dwelleth by the castled —' (Longfellow) (5)

7 He's a knowing one (7)

8 'With how sad —, 0 Moon, thou climb'st the skies' (Philip Sidney) (5)

13 It's hot as I pose for glorification (10) 16 Catriona's predecessor (9) 17 Intellectual combined ops? (9) 19 Where to find the Christmas fairy in Essex? (7) 21 Old Portuguese gold seems to make me gilded but foreign (7)

22 Where Cowper and Crebilion took their ease (5)

23 Prizeman (5) 25 'And dark as winter was the flow Of —, rolling rapidly' (Campbell) (4) Solution and winner on 17 October