3 SEPTEMBER 1831, Page 20

The Club Book is the work of a great many

hands, but might have been done better by one. It is edited by Mr. PICKEN, the author of the Dominie's Legacy ; and we wish that, instead of employing his talents in ushering into the world the labours of his friends, he had set to work and originated another series of fictions as delightful as his former. Neither his own stories here (and they are the best in the Club Book), nor those of his collaborateurs, can be compared with the very charming tales of the Dominie's Legacy. Ins " Deer-Stalkers of Glen-Skiach " is indeed a wild and romantic composition, in which occur some scenes of very vigorous description, and a conception of character displaying a fine knowledge of human nature. Mr. GALT'S reputation would not be established upon his portion of this work. Mr. MOIR, the author of Mansie Waugh, a book of infinite humour, is another of the joint-stock company, but we detect few traces of the author of Mansie. This remark ap- plies very generally to the contributions of the celebrated authors of the Club Book—not one, unless it be Mr. JERDAN, has-written up to his reputation. Mr. POWER, who glories in the Christian name of TYRONE, may also be cited as an exception. His Zingarro " is at least as good as his romances.