3 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 4

A gang of coiners have been discovered at Liverpool, by

Mr. Powell, of the Mint, aided by the Liverpool Police. The manner in which the culprits were apprehended is thus stated-

" A visit to Liverpool at the late Assizes, gave Mr. Powell an cpportunity of making inquiries in such a manner as not to attract general observation ; and the result was, that on Wednesday last week, information was obtained, which left no doubt as to the residence of the suspected party being at No. 62., Vir- gil Street, a second • rate street leading out of the Scotland Road. Mr. Powell then procured the assistance of some of the most active officers of the Police force ; and as soon as they had been stationed round the house in such a manner as to render a retreat of the inmates difficult, if not impossible, a snail in the guise of a postman, with a bundle of letters in his hand, was sent to knock at the door. A window was quickly thrown up, and a female, looking out, care- fully eyed the imaginary postman, and then opened the door. Parkinson ;Ind Ainsworth immediately rushed into the passage, and a loud scream from .lte female confirmed the suspicions of the officers. One man made Isis eseape by the back-door, and was taken in the act of sealing the wall of the neighbmi ing house. The other parties were taken bathe house. The names of tho.e ap- prehended are Edward S. Arnett, Elizabeth Arnett, his wife, Isabella Am nett, sister to the first-named prisoner, and Edward Arnett senior, the father. When the prisoners hail been properly secured, the house was searched ; and in the back garret was found all the apparatus for coining, fitted up in the must per- fect manner, and in a style far above that ordinarily used by cainers. lii the course of the search, a quantity of plate, stolen on the 3d of June last from AltIclitie Hall, Lancaster, the seat of Mr. E. Dawson, weighing 2170z., was discovered, as also a silver cup belonging to Mr. Sudlow, a solicitor of Man. chester, and various watches (gold and silver), knives, spoons, forks, soup la- dies, and other articles of plates, not yet owned. The prisoners behaved with the greatest nonchalance ; and Isabella Arnett coolly observed, I sup. pose it is all up with us, but I'll have another tune on the piano ;' and no sooner said than done; down she sat, and played the air 'Over the water to Charley.' The house in which the prisoners were taken, and in which they up. peared to be residing as persons living on their means, is splendidly furnished, and there are few articles of comfort or convenience with which it is not supplied." —Times.

The prisoners, with the exception of Edward Arnett, were ex- amined before the Magistrates on Tuesday, and remanded. Elizabeth Arnett was in great distress during the proceedings ; but Isabella, who is a fine-looking woman, with a bold, determined countenance, exhi- bited no emotion. Before coming to Liverpool, the Arnetts had re- sided at Hull ; and Isabella said to one of the officers—" We never should have left Hull; you could not have caught us there; for we had a house from which we could have spied you a mile off." On Thurs. day, all the prisoners were fully committed for trial.