3 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 5


Tie trimming Mr. John Maxwell of Lanarkshire has received a ver3 :woad hint, from a large portion of his constituents, that as he has bet, .myed his trust, it is his next duty to resign his seat. At a meeting of time electors of the Middle Ward of Lanarkshire, held at Hamilton on the 25th ultimo, it was resolved, after considering Mr. Maxwell's conduct and votes, and especially his not supporting Ministers, " lst.'That those itt general having not been in accordance with the views of what the electors were given to eNpeet from him on the eve of the last election, and having failed to fultil his pledges distinctly given, such as to support the Melbourne Adminkt ration, and to meet his cer,stittionts here at the close of every session, to give them an account of his stewirddtp—that, therefore, the electors declare him unfit to represent them ia Parliament, the; having lost all confidence in him as their Representative, do now re- quire of him t, re-ign, and instruct the Chairman to write him to this effect. 2,1. ssoasi me, Maxwell not think the above resolution a prop.: expression of the sentiments of the electors of the Middle Ward, the following gentlemen are appoint xl as a Commit tee to ascertain by signatures, the opinions or the electors or the several parishes, who last voted for Mr. Maxwell ; and that the same Committee shall have iavA er to call the electors together, at any tinvn they may think proper, and to add te the numbers of the Committee."

Then follow the names of nineteen gentlemen.

With reference to the proceedings at this meeting, the Glasgow Argue observes- " The Reformers of the Middle Ward have done their duty manfully, and is a business-like manner we call upon the Ref :mere of the Upper and Lower Ward, if they ially Lave the C1USC at heart to which they profess attachment, to follow the example bet them. The real independent Reform interest in Lanarkshire is quite able to return a real Reform candidate, if it organize itself wad act with energy. The constituency owes this to itself: the habit it ac quires during its early exercise of the elective franchise will cling to it in after yoars. It owes this to the nation at large, to which it will by such a step set an example that will awake a generous emulation. We say nothing at ptesent of Lord MeJbourne's elaims,—although we du think that those who can appre• elate his manly straightforward character, ought to crowd forward to set the stamp of their reproba • on the man who shrunk from him in the hour sit trial. We have full confidence in the gentlemen who met at Hamilton: what they have begun they will early through. Bat we are anxious that the other Wards should aasert their right to share in the good work. What is Reafrewshire about ? Its precious Member has assuredly twilled arc well for a vote of censure as Mr. Maxwell. Nay, seeing that he can speak intelligibly, and act like a man of the world, his conduct is, if possible, mule unpardonable."

Mr. Prendergast has }Hell:died an address to the electors of the Fife Boroughs, announcing that as the ballot has resulted in Mr. Ellice's favour, he shall not be a candidate for their suffrages at the next elec- tion; and .urging them, in the best possible spilit, to support Mr. Ellice with their entire force.

Major Cumming Bruce having, in consequence of ill health, inti- mated his wish to retire from the representation of the Inverness Burghs, Mr. J. J. R. Maekenzie younger, of Rosehaugh, has offered himself as a candidate.—Caleelouhin Mercury. The Registration Court for the Ilawick district of Roxburgh-hire terminated on Friday evening; when it appeared 4bat ou the Tory side sixteen new voters were enrolled, and on the Liberal side thirty-three, and two claims adjourned to a future day. As the inhabitants of Hawick are almost to a man stanch and steady Reformers, the sueeess of the Liberal party gave the utmost satisluction.—Calethmian Mer- cury. [The last contest inRoxburghshire was a very close one, in spite of the influence of the great Toiy landowners ; the numbers bviog for Lord John Scott, 757, fOrCaptain Elliott 66l. Surely the Reformers might make up this deficiency.]