3 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 6

Dr. Chalmers has written a letter to the Edinburgh Advertiser

com- plaining of the attacks to which he had been subjected in eonsequence of his interference in Argyllshire in behalf of the Tory Mr.Campbeil of Monzie against the Liberal Mr. Campbell of Islay. The Doctor is very abusive of his political adversaries in this letter. Ile speaks of the " ferocity and falsehood of till the Liberel papers," and calls his assailants the " bullies and low hirelings of a party." Ile publishes a etter written by himself to Mr. Campbell of Woe, complimenting that gentleman out his attachnunt to the Church of 'Scotland, but de- claring that Popery mast only be to/atm d; and that they who endow it, prove themselves the positive friends of Popish tenets. Ile also denounces the A ppropriatiomelause, and speaks hielily of the Church of Ireland. This letter, he s,:ys, was ust,d by Campbell of l-lav as a sort of guarantee of his (Mr. ( anipheli's) oriliodexy, mid thole- fore Dr.Clialmers thought proper to et the pal lie iieht as to his views, which bad been 'nisi-clue:owed in -1.i pai-tieeler ; hut he bed lio idea of attempting to dictate ta the C.. t;t. Ar:;y11-1Me whit h of the candidates they ehould cheose. i elte!, s I. s letie; these words-

" I hope that the C'ampl.- II-. of Arg% manage for themmlv. s, and ;Wow me to p;:.-•

tion in peace. I have ho fear, ihdeed, m I.

gentlemen who ac eut.i...ged in this %varlatc. i..tiiit of a party who have ehen to a :sail me, there is Ito other :

imagine, -than just tO aciai,-.62 in it as I 1,t11,1 ;my • strange times; awl leave tit,m to rage, and revtle, atia