3 SEPTEMBER 1836, Page 8



The long-expected announcement of the inclease of the rate of discount to 5 per cent. by the Co.vernors of the Bank of England was made yesterday, by the issue of the following notice • which is of the same nature as those usually issued on the closing, of the book's of the various Sticks previous to the Divi- dends be,:uniing, ibv2, and differs only in the increased rate of interest. *. The ml tame ;nut Company of the Bank of Englatul do hereby give notice, OS on and af,er Ilw 1st instant, they will be ready to receive applications fur loans upon the ,Wposit.ofImjjh of exchange, Exchequer Bins. East India Bowls, or other approved securities ; such Loans to be repaid on or belore 20th October next, with interest at the rate of per cent .per annum, and to be for sums of not less than:MIR. each." Iiipurmunce ef their avowed determination to check the export of the pre- cious metals, the Bank have refused this week, as_they did last, to discount bills drawn upon one of the most eminent mercantile houses in London, be- cause 'of its conneximi with time large establishments in the United States, by whom the tecent supply of bullion to Ametica has been undertaken. The premium upon Exchequer Bills has tug nitfallen about 5s. ; and coin- mereld bills. or tlate,e issued in aid of public works, have been as low as 1 dis. The price of Consols is still well supported ; but the difference between the transactions for Money anti for the Account has increased, and is now from A to

per em-nt.

lir the Foreign Market, Spanish Stock has been steadier, or rather the fluc- tuations have been less violent than usual. Prices to day are, however, about tt per cent. below those of Last week ; and there has not been any thing remark- able in the transactions since our last. 1'4,11(Tel:se Stocks have been depressed, in rather a greater degree than Spatii-Ii • but the business transacted has been on an unusually limited scale. The E'uropean Centinental Stocks have been steady-, and are not at all affected by the augalentation of the rate of discount.

The South American Stocks have also been firm, with very little doing.

In tie' ittilway Share Alatket there has been a demand for the Shares of Stephenson's Brighton Line; • which have consequently improved 2/. 10s. per Share. The South-eastern have also been sought after, and some considerable purchases have been made by the agents of Liverpool and Illanchester capitalists; but though the operations have been on an extended scale; the minket was pre- y ly so overborne with Shares, that the improvement in the price has been inconsiderable. The Shares of Cundy's Brighton Line have also risen about 15s. per Share, but are still at a discount.


The Consol Market is firmer to-day, but the improved quotations have not been caused by any extensive operations. The Spanish and .Portuguese Stocks are also higher, but the business of the morning has been altogether unimportant. The Railway Shares are generally at yesterday's quotations, with the exception of the South Eastern, which have declined about 11. per Share, and the North land, which have improved in the same ratio. Stephenson's Brighton are about I Os. lower, but Cundy's arc quoted higher ; Eastern Communes are also heavy. We subjoin the prices of the principal ones. London and Birmingham 72 74 prem. ; Derby and ditto 2 3 prem.; North Midland 6 7 prem.; South Eastern 2 k prem. ; Great Western 134 144 prem. ; Brighton (Stephento.1%) 4,t ; ditto (Cund 's) ar A rem. ; Eastern Counties, A die. A Prem.:. ‘....... ..„.


• -tiira SATURDAY. Foes o'cr.ock. Consols are A lower than in the morning, in consequence of a heavy sale of New Thre-eand-a-half per Cents. and Lung Annuities having occurred. The latter Stock has experienced a considerable reduction, as the sales com- menced at 151, and the Stock has since fallen to 15,1; this depreciation of A per cent. tieing, as the price of the Stock is reckoned upon every II. Annuity, equal to a fall of ; per cent. The Spanish and Portuguese Markets have remained steady during the whole afternoon. The Railway Share Market has been without any material fluctuation. Several transactions have occurred in Cundy's Brighton Shares, but the price remains the same. 3 per Cent. Consolg

ihtto for Account

.3 per cem. Reduced ssilial per Cent Alms

ludo' ',nick Bank Stock Exchequer Bills Itelgian5 per Cont.:

-Brazilian 5 per Cents

91 Danish 3 per Cents.

914 i Bomb 94 per Cents

1%4.)de:in 6 per Cents 991 1 Portuguese Regency 5 p. Cts.

Ditto 3 per Cent.

Ditto 5 per Cents 1836 Sc i ip.

3 5 pm. Prussian (1818)5 per Cell 1034 Russian (1892) 5 per Cet:t 85 4

Spanish (1835)5 per Cent 764 774 551 — 79 4 42( 434 10 8 dis. — 1081 94 304