3 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 21



3 per Cent Console Ditto for Account or • • 9 per Cents Reduced SI per Cents Long Annuities Bank Stock, 8 per Cent India Stock, 101 per Cent Exchequer Bills, Id. per diem India 110584 24 per Cent

&tont. (Closing Monday. Prices.) Tuesday. Wanes.



981 98 98 1011 2271 1 pm. 18 pm. 98 989 99 1019 257

981 98 98 1011

— 236 2 pm.

— 971 97 98 101 2281 -- 1 die 13 971 971


100 227 253 1 pm.

18, 979 971 98 100 228 — 2 die 15 FOREIGN FUNDS.

(Last Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Austrian Op. CI

8 p.01. 261 Belgian

Ditto -

21 - — Mississippi 6 New York 5 99 cad, Brazilian 5 - 1029 Peruvian 41

Buenos Ayres a - 66 Portuguese 6

Chilian 5 103 Ditto, 3

Danish 5 — Russian 6 116

Ditto 3 -

Ditto 41 -


Dutch (Ex. 13 Guilders) -21 - 65 Sardinian 5 96 Ditto 4 - 991

Spanish a

479 French 3 - — Ditto New Deferred ..... ..S -


Ditto 41 - — Ditto (Passive)

Massachusetts (Sterling) .6 - 107

Venezuela 34 - RULAA70- Bats-


(Last-Official Quotation during the Week ending Friday Evening.) Bristol and Exeter 99¢ ex d. Australasian Caledonian 631 British North American 77 611 • Edinburgh and Glasgow 731 Colonial 189 Eastern Counties 139 cad. Commercial ef London Great Northern 801 ex d. London and Westminster 389 Great South. and West. Ireland.. 1101 ex d. London Chartd. Bak. of A.ustralla 17 Great Western 86 ex d. London Joist Stock Hull and Selby 111 ex d. National of Ireland Lancashire and Yorkshire 716 cad. National Provincial Lancaster and Carlisle .06 Provincial of Ireland so London. Brig,h ton, & South Coast. 101 Union of Australia Si London and Blackwell BI cad.. Union of Loudon 191 London and North-western 1091 Minas- Midland 681 ex d. Brazilian Imperial Midland Great Western (Ireland) — Ditto (St. John del Rey) 33 North British 92 Cobre Copper Oxford, 'Wnr. and Wolverhampton 48 Colonial Gold Scottish Central 95 Nouveau Monde 1 South-eastern and Dover &it M ssosts.sszocs- South-western 839 Australian Agricultural 35 York, Newcastle, and Berwick... 68 ex d. Canada York and North Midland ..... ... 561 ex d. Crystal Palace 01 DOCK"- General Steam East and West India 1501 ex d. Peel River Land and Mineral .. 51 London — Peninsular and Oriental Steam.

St. Katherine — Royal Mall Steam Victoria 11/ South Australian 729 ' as .

BANK OF ENGLAND. An Account, pursuant to the Ac 7th and 8 h Victoria, cap. 32, for the week ending On Saturday, the 27th day of August 1853. MON DEPARTMENT.

Notes famed £30,631,650 Government Debt £11,013,100

Other Securities 3,984.900

Gold Coin and Bullion 18,531,630

Silver Bullion

£30,331,630 £30,631,653


Proprietors' Capital E14,663,000

Beet 3,291,440 Public Depoeita• 4,801,665 Other Deposits 11.133.356

Seven Day and otherBills 1,465,519

Government Sacuritlea (in.

eluding Dead WeightAnnuityl Other Securities Notes Gold and Sliver Coln of :fattens] Debt, & £13,027,593 13,830,835 7,753,345 431,208 £35,013.030 • Including Exchequer, Savings-Banks, Commisaionen Dividend £33,045,030 Area, BULLION. Per oz. METALS Per ton.

Foreign Gold in Bars, Standard ....£3 17 9 Copper, British Cakes.C107 10 0 .. 0 0 0 Foreign Gold in Coin,Portugal Pieces 0 0 0 Iron, Welsh Bars 8 10 0 .. 9 0 0 New Dollars 0 3 01 Lead, British Pig 22 0 0 „ 0 0 0 Silverin Bars,Standard 0 5 29 Steel.Swedish Keg... 16 10 0.. 0 0 0 st. 5.

s. t.

Wheat,R.New 62 toil Rye 34 to 36 Maple 42 to 44 Oat., Feed.. 20 to 21 Fine 54-66 Barley 20-20 Wlute .... 42-45 Fine .. 21-21 Old 60 - 63 Malting 25-Is Boilers ... 44-46 Poland 29 White 94-56 Malt, Ord... 62-84 Beans, Ticks. 40-42 Fine .. 24-25 Fine 58-is Fine 04-66 Old 44-42 Potato 25-27 Super. New. 63-66 Pear, Hog .. 33-40 Indian Corn. 0- 0 Pine 27 -29 AVERAGE PRICES OF CORN.

Per 'Sr. (Imperial) of England and Wales.

Wheat.... 61.. 104. I Rye 355. 44. Barley.... 29 7 Beans 40 9

Oats 22 0 Peas 36 6 Wheat ....



WEEKLY AVERAGE. the e Week ending August 27.

48s. 61. I Rye 33. 29 6 Beane 41 215 Peas 36

84. 1


Town-made per sack Mr. to 635.

Butter-Best Fresh, 12s. Od per dos.

Seconds 67 - 60 Carlow, M. 10s. to M. 13a. per cwt.

reser and Suffolk, on board ship 54 -57

Bacon, Irish per cwt. 66s. to 681.

Norfolk and Stockton 51 - 54

Cheese, Cheshire 68 - 84

American per barrel 32 - 0

Derby Plain 64 - 65

Canadian 0 0

Hams, York 74 VS

Bread, 714. to 94. the 41b loaf.

Eggs, French, per 120, M. fld. to 66.0d.

HAY AND STRAW. (Per Load of 88 Trusses.) Censzarenn. Serrerime. Wistzsconeres..

1051. to 112s. 95s. to 100e 95s. to 105-.

85 - 90 0 - 0 50 -80 60 -66 110 -126 110 -120 28 - 33 24 - 30 Hay, Good Inferior 78 95 New 40 -64 Clover 120 -130 Wheat Straw 33 36 BUTCHERS' MEAT.

NE WOASZ AND LEADENNALL.• Ssuransto.• s. d. s. 4. s, d. s. cf. a. d. s. d.

Beef .. 3 0 to 3 8 to 4 0 .... 2 10 to 4 4604 8 Mutton. 3 8 - 4 2 - 4 6 .... 4 4 - 4 10 - 5 4 Veal .. 3 0-4 0 - 4 8 .... 210 - 4 - 410 Pork .. 3 8 - 4 4-9 0 .... $ 6 - 4 0 - 4 4

Lamb 4 4 - 5 0 - 5 4 .... 4 10 - 0 - 5 8

Hun 07 CAME /.7 13.171171ALD.

Friday. Monday.

Beasts. 1,079 4.800

Sheep .11,170 22,150 1/1170$ 744 350 riga 313 365

• 8 To sink the offal, per lb.


Kent Pockets 106s. to 126s.

Choice ditto 120 180 Sussex ditto 103 118

Farnham ditto 0


Down and half-bred Hogs per lb. 16£ to 174. Wether and Ewe 14 - 13 Leicester Hogget and Viether 13 - 131 Skin Combing 13 - 149 GRAIN, Mark Lane, Sept. 2. .

OILS. COALS, CANDLES. par cyst. 42 0 0 220 1 9 3 Linseed 011-Cake per 1000 12 0 0

Candlea, per doeen 68.0d. to M. 54.

36oulds, per dozen ...6s. 104. to 7s. 64. Coals , Helton 23s. Od.

Tees RM. ad.


Tea, flonchong, fine,per lb. ls. 04. to 9.04, Oongou, flne 1 41 - 2 0 Pekoe, flowery 1 4 - 4 0

• In Bond-Duty D. 10£ per lb. Coffee, tine (in bond) per ewt. 62s. to 95.. Good Ordhsary 48,. - MP. 0 .

Sugar, Muscovado, per cwt Us. 514. Weal India Bonuses 01.04. 10 Os. 04

Pe 051 Relined linseed011