3 SEPTEMBER 1853, Page 9

A telegraphic despatch from Vienna, dated August 29, states that

Prince Gortschakoff was inspecting the line of the Danube when he received the despatches informing him of the Sultan's acceptance of the Vienna note. He returned immediately to his head-quarters, and sent couriers in vari- ous directions. The Russian officers expect the inamediate evacuation of the Principalities.

Some days ago, a priest known at Genoa for his Democratic opinions died—rumour said, of poison. At his funeral, on Monday, there was a grand demonstration ; the people in crowds following the corpse in pro- cession.

The Spanish ex-Queen Christina, her husband the Duke of Rianzares, and their two daughters, are in London.

The Times has been officially prohibited throughout tho Spanish do- minions, for discussing " institutions " and other inconvenient subjects— among others, no doubt, questionable, but officially-patronized, and share- jobbing railway projects. The highest compliment that Spain could pay to an English journal.

A letter from Athens, dated 26th August, states that Bceotian Thebes has been almost destroyed by an earthquake.

Enable to recognize the difference between the images in the chapels of the Catholic converts at Nankin and the idols of the Chinese, and rank- ing the worship of both as blasphemous, the insurgents, we are told by a letter in the Univers, had cruelly persecuted the Roman Catholic wor- shipers, killing some by burning them alive in their chapels. This ac- counts for the report that the Christian character of the insurgent army becomes less apparent the more we know of them.