3 SEPTEMBER 1937, Page 30


Miss Board is a bright young newsgirl of twenty who stayed some months in Palestine picking up the varied assort- ment of impressions and facts which make up this book (Michael Joseph, I2S. 6d.). She does not use much dis- crimination, and many of her descrip- tions of scenes in Arab life have been much better done quite recently. She is always an outsider, a foreigner, and her slightly mocking air puts an irritating barrier between the reader and the sub- ject. Miss Board should read Dahris Martin's Among the Faithful—which has not yet received the attention it deserves —to see how it is possible to fuse a personal point of view with that of the people portrayed. But perhaps it is not fair to expect so much from a writer who only aimed at filling her notebooks with the latest details of life in the deserts and towns of Palestine. She has done that fairly successfully, and her book, light, bright and seasonable, deserves a place on the book-eater's menu.