3 SEPTEMBER 1943, Page 21

, 6 THE SPECTATOR " CROSSWORD No. 234 [A Book Token

fc, one guinea will• be awarded to the tenter of the first correct sclutton of this week's crossword to be opened after noon on Tuesday week, September 14th. Envelopes should be received not later than first post that day and must Lear the word "Crossword," the NUMBER of the puzzle and a 21d. stamp. Solutions must be on the form below, and none can be accepted from the U.S.A. The solution and the name of the winner will be published in the following issue


t. Some of us.

9. They sounded a cockney team. to. They give Dot insomnia.

it. Old king almost a dandy.

14. Flute-players found her inspiring.

16. Tickling sensation experienced near the fire.

17. Workers invited to speak for Casca.

18. Another dandy, going to be sweet. 19, a6. Space in the front seats? 20. Inclination to be a parson of fiction.

22. Wolf's-bane.

23. Wordsworth's abbey.

24. " Yet for old sake's sake she is still, dears, The prettiest - in the world." (Kingsley.) (4.) 28. Armour and what moves it.

29. From the lute to the Axis.

30. What did the violinist demand of his colleagues in the orchestra after the accident?


2. Part of a clouded cane.

3. Whichever way the ship goes this goes both ways. 4. Milton's " insulting vanity."

5. Auction-room Latin.

6. They have no abiding dwelling.

7. How Emma declared she would address her fiance. (2, 9.)

8. How one may get zest in drawL /2. They make the field change on and off, so to speak. 23. Bread or a body of ournalists. (5. 22 4.)

is. A hold-up which may precede a frame-up.

16. A store branch, very deft.

20. Not popular people with Major Lloyd George.

21. One gets confused about an object of worship.

23. Heard, apparendy, In a Spanish cloister by a poet.

26. See 19 ac.

27. Take off.