4 APRIL 1840, Page 9


'There wan :1 Cans! 1.:11ithiC demand fi‘r ,,,s "lf ocea,ioned by the occurrence of the settlement of the Fere):::: ea.t. on that day ; hat that cot:on...I:iv I. sit le e become more pl. :11,1 Cit.,. tie 1),en a tAi!:Itt im- prove:11,n; in the prices of the Etz,:lhl, Fhohl». the., ."s for etonev tette been fluctuating bet .veea 9M and 907. ; I.A.14 and 91: New Three- p.'t• . hit,v,,c11 lit' :17! ;1.1 t,,-,l ,vthey have all licen current at the Iii:her Timed stn )1i,..tlay at 250, nn sir :it 24", ; bile Dan!, is.■1•31 v.-is 17:$, Li: ',con at 17F), and is last in orleel at 17S t. lesetrserer ill 'er have leo:: as hey as 17s.

prtanium, but have since been at to-•:.•.v a: 2 Is. to 2:is. premium. In the Foreign 'Market the !roe ,13 st cal irely e•milaet1 to Spanish Active Stock, upon which trio eroo(nre for niti:r.,y has operated un-, favourablv ; and on aloud:1y (the sorlie.:--,:ay) it was cor.,,,,plently de;wessed

to 27 Tile market continued in a fee'ale state It Ir.; II... lay ; a repez-t pre-

vailit):; that the Cave-en:Ile/it of 51 )3r: I I J.:term:lied noon zit; issue of paper- money to the extent of 5.otte.oien. 'fee roul Park ors Wednesday and vt.sterrlay, however, brmight .i.,,iventont In the 117k.... Of the 13,aals in that city ; as I the market l'oc.1.11.‘ 31: !I. .1:1.1 vonft!...1.2.1 ti improve until it rose ye:terlty to 2S. The Paris twIv,, Wodaes.lar. r,..,..eivca to-day, being per cent. lower than that of 'Fiore; I., r er ear_ lel eS tie morning


was 2;i1 ; but as s(mie influential lea■ez, e...o. the market soon bee.nne animatoil, and the re •'i:•. •; a tillatatiOil of 1 per rout. ,Bove the price on I'd .: I. is. laiwover, given trav slizlitly in the rJoea of 1.3 a- tit.. eIote.

1).inIsh, and 11atch , ;

St„.. has been is ri;:c:' firmer;


1'h. re has been a tlifling demand. ter Colionhin .1. •• •:ic,p.tr a improvement in Fie,. 11 is been the result: our quat:ui i ars, only 1 a.13v..• Our last. but the improved prices have 1),•:: te•l. Portuguese boats were toinotice,1 the ..I p it the week, but they have since lain s litte� iu the fare: arrr.l in Spanish Stuck: and after being ;it on Slim :a; , to- hat the transactions have been few.


The tinaneial and commercial intviligence !,.■ the Great Western is not so OLVIntrant0 W a: expected. NV,: are not. 1,,,wcV:1*. it ire of any trans- actions in American S entities having oc,..tirrv,1 this Limn:oz. The Shares of the United States 13anit are to v. sic. 15/. to 1)1/. There has been so) little doing in the 1:,rizhsh Fa116. that tip to I his moment not a single bargain is marked " in o " as having oetarred inn l'oli•Aoh: for .1eionnt. ..rhe mar- ket is generally tam at %.,tcrilav's prices. In the F,,reigit Nlarket, Spanish Stork is lower, in consz,ptenee of a lkelInt• of I per ecnt. its tit: price of Actite Stoek in Parris on 'Iliersrlay, and is now 27A Cohia)biall Is Oct lower, and litt. been dun at 2e. The others are .1.■•eStc'rilay. 1)ani,h Bemis :ire now steady between 5:11 and 53F,: the tee I. 11razilian Stack is also (lamed , .• but the trans.:Alio]: bane h..•en on 1.1, 3 per Cent. Consols

901 I

Ditto for Account

901 91 3 per Cent. Reduced Glint 34 per Cent. Ditto shut

New ...I per COOS.

99* Bank shwk . shut Exchequer Bills ... . 21 23 pm India stud:


Brazilian 5 per Cents...ox d. ;51 64

Belgian 5 per Cents.

109 6

Columbian 6 per Cents 24* Danish 3 per Ceuta

77 8 ex d

Dutch 24 per Cents . 531 *

Portuguese Regency 5 per Cts.

Mt I

Ditto 3 per Cents 244 Russian 6 per Cents...ex. ti 113* Spanish (Active)

271 i