4 APRIL 1840, Page 9



The great Corn debate closed last night—Lot not with a division on Mr. Vitssents's motion ! The House adjourned without coming to any vote : the whole discussion fell to the ground like a dropped order, and cannot be renewed except by a fresh notice. We proceed to explain how this ludicrous result was brought about. The debate was opened by Mr. itmenteterox ; who, with Mr. GREG, DU,' :kir. JoiiN P.% RbIER, advocated Repeal. The speakers on the other si it' were Mr. VERNON Ilfencovier, Mr. Oemene Gone, Mr. Geonon Wifeiean roe Mr. Iles ore, and Sir lioneen. Peet.. When Sir Robert sat dotiti, Mr. WARBURTON moved "'That the debate be now ad- journed," The Mouse diy ided-

For the motion.. 129

Against it 245

Majority against adjourning. the debate 116 Mr. Wallin:wrote then moved "That this Muse do now adjourn." The SVEA KER. put the gnestimi ; the Conservatives amidst loud cheers and blighter shouted " _eye," and the motion was carried. No day having been fixed fur the renewal of the debate, there is an end of it. Thus, Mr. Wsionneroe's Parliamentary tactics here turned upon him- self and his friends.

Of last night s discussion little needs be said. The Members who preceded Sir Robert Peel delivered dry, matter-of-fact speeches, on their respective ilk's of the question. The Conservative leader was, of course, more elaborate and effective. lie dealt with the three prin- cipal arguments of the Corn-law Repeaters after the following fashion. First—drain or bullion and monetery derangement : he denied that they were attributable entirety to the Corn-laws ; and quoted the mani- festo of the Manchester Chamber olConunereteand Mr. Smith's pa mph- let, to show that the leading Corn-law Repealers themselves ascribed the difficulties in the currency to the mismanagement of the Bank. Se- • coed—fluctuations of price : by skilful arrangement of figures, Sir Robert endeavoured to prove that there had not been any great fluctu-

ations under the present scale of ditties : under any circumstances there

must he variations of price in an article the production of which was affected by change of seasons. Third—depression of manufactures and commerce: on this point Sir Robert professed to be extremely anxious; " he felt that our main strength as a nation, and our position in the scale of nations, depended upon the maintenance of our manufactures ;" the manufacturers were "the landowners" best friends ; and the manufac- tures of the country, not the Corn• laws, were the main clement of their prosperity and of the value of their land." With these opinions, Sir ltrffiest was glad to find that the export-trade of the country was in- ert:eel:me and that the increase mainly coroisted of manufactured goods. Last year the menufacturerscomphieed that the exports were chiefly in cotton-yarn and linen-yarn, not in completed articles: that was not the case this year, as the quantity of yarn exported had decreased. But it was now said that large exports were it sign of distress, and only proved the decline of the home consumption. It was difficult to ascertain the state of the home cousumptiori ; but he tinted that, as compared with lees, the revenue of the Customs and Excise had improved, and he had else aseermitied that the co rstine-trade had hereased : this did not tool: like inereese of distress. With regard to the main question, which was total repeal or maintenance of the present scale, his opinions were unchanged. Ile did not say that lei modification of the present scale could be advantaeeously made. but he lied ❑ r intention, should the House go into Commit:ere to propose ainorliaeriou. Ile had little encourage- ment, indeed, from Mr. Villiers, who called Mr. Pryine's an insidious " amendment. As to total repeal, he cot red it fraught with alarming danger to the great interests of the country. which had flourished under the existing law. Such is an outline of Sir 11 (ben's argument.

"Mr. JOHN MIEL, SAITII proposed another list of Meni"ira for the Opium Committee ; and the. followieg were nominattd without re- m:ill:— Me Craweed, Lord Viseannt Pal.ner,(f.m, Sir natert Peel, Mr. Charles Buller, Mr. Iltaltert, Kr Gt.i.r.ze Kataton. Mr. (;lad stone, Mr. CApahoun,

Sir George Grev, Mr. 11-an:. Mr, John Elliet, Mr. John Abel Sniff), Mr.

Parker, Lord Vis..ount )1:(Ion, 51r. Strait. S. 1Wiltiaun Sarnawille, Sir DI- ben [lorry Inglis, Sir Charles Leman, Mr. Eduard Boller, Mr. Clay, and Mr. llorsinan.

The order for the attendance of Mr. Sheriff Evans on Monday next was diselterged, on the motion of Lord Jolts lirssess ; and the Sheriff was ordered to attend on the 6th of May.

Tire other business consisted chiefly in the reception of petiti ens.