4 APRIL 1846, Page 19


Aertiven-At Gravesend, 27th March, Apame, Wilson, from the Cape ; 28th, Anne Milne, Thorns, from Calcutta ; 29th, Alexander Johnstone, Swaine, from Singapore ; and 30th, Winifred, Christie, from Calcutta. In the Downs, 2d April, Duke of Port- land, Hamlin, from China. Off Weymouth, 30th March, Eclipse, Austin, from Mauri- tius. At Bristol, 31st, Mary Ann, Cumming, from Calcutta. At Liverpool, 27th, Harvest Home, Heron ; and Lahore, Burt, both from Calcutta. In the Clyde, 27th, Canada, Williams, from Batavia ; and Ianthe, Hunter, from Mauritius ; and 31st, Princess Royal, Sinclair, from China. At Hull, 1st April, Charlotte, Brodrich, from Bombay. At Maurttins, 19th Jan. Dido, Smith; and Courier, Johnson, from Liver- pool ; and Isabella Blyth, Paddle, from London. At Bombay, previous to 3d March, William Mlles, Clark ; Herefordshire, Richardson ; and Mary, Sparks, from Lon- don ; and Camillus, Ashton ; and Nabob, M'Nutty, from Liverpool. At Cey-

lon, Deva, from London. At Madras, 12th February, Midas, Camp- bell, from the Clyde. At Calcutta, previous to 20th February, Duke of Wellington, Dun- can ; and Sybilla, Coleman, from London.;. Eliza Stewart, Henderson, from Newport ; Commodore, Crowell ; Sir H. Pottinger, M`Wean ; Cresseda, 31`Fie ; Glen Huntly, Han ; J. T. Foord, Lingard ; and Flowers of LIgie, Annand, from Liverpool ; Souba- dour, Humpherville ; and Juliet, Thomson, from the Clyde ; and Cheapside, Brown, from Newcastle. At Moulmein, 1st Feb. Herald, Conbro, from London. At Batavia, 30th Dec. Belhaven, Watt, from Glasgow. At Port Phillip, 8th Nov. Reward, Sal- mon, from London ; and 12th, Elizabeth Thompson, Betts, from Liverpool. At Hobart Tpwn, 7th, Jane Frances, Crosby ; and Lloyds, Lewis, from London. At Sydney, 29th, Dorothy, Brown ; and Enterprise, Wright, from Liverpool ; and Elora, Turnbull, from the Clyde.

SAILED-From Gravesend, 30th March, /Eneas, Saunders, for Calcutta. From Liver- pool, 29th, Fatima, Wilson, for ditto ; 30th, Duke of Lancaster, Bully, for China ; 31st, Helena, Hilton, for ditto ; and Chllena, Wylie, for Singapore. From the Clyde, 28th, Indus, Poole, for Calcutta.