4 APRIL 1868, Page 3

_year's estimates :—



22,000,000 ...... 22,650,000 Excise 20,700,000 20,162,000 Stamps 9,340,000 9,541,000 Assessed Tax 3,500,000 3,509,000 Income Tax 6,000,000 6,177,000 Crown Lands 340,000 345,000 Post Office 4,650,000 4,630,000 Miscellaneous 2,600,000 2,586,219

£69,130,000 £69,600,219

'The excess is, however, only apparent as during the last quarter the income-tax levied in consequence of the supplementary Abyssinian budget in November has been 6d., instead of 4d., which ought to account for more than the difference. In point of fact, however, the income-tax has not surpassed the estimate by -anything like the additional amount which ought to have been levied,—the increase over the estimate being only 177,000/., whereas Mr. Hunt estimated it in November as likely to yield 840,000/. Perhaps the tax has not been well collected. Mr. Mill, we believe, says that in his district the income-tax has not been called in at all this year.