4 APRIL 1914, Page 1

There is at any rate one matter which can be

recorded with satisfaction. There does seem to be a pretty general determination in the central portion of the Liberal Party not to tolerate the cry of "The Army versus the People." -Reflection has made them see, as we have set forth elsewhere, that the demand upon which that cry is based is the demand for a servile or mechanical Army, and that the creation of such a force not only is impossible amongst Englishmen, but if it could be created would be an extreme danger to Liberalism. No doubt it is always unpleasant for men of a zealous temper to meet with opposition, and not drive " full steam ahead" over it, but as a matter of fact all men in all human affairs have to make compromises with opposition, and even with what they call "disloyal minorities." We are all tempted when we are angry and our will is crossed to strike with the cry of "Hound, you mutiny I " and to call aloud for human instruments who will never disobey or even criticize. Did, after all, that unwillingness to bear with opposition is the tyrant's attitude, and all tyrants who have tried to practise it, whether they believe themselves inspired by divine right, by the abstract nobility and truth of their principles, or even by their claim to represent the sovereign people, have always 'come to grief. Whig moderation, the Whig principle of not pushing things too far, and Whiggism generally are 'derided at the present moment, but in truth political salvation is of the Whigs.