4 APRIL 1914, Page 26

John Bull, Limited. By G. W. Hills. (Philadelphia. 2s. 6d.)—This

"fragmentary record of a pleasant sojourn 'in Albion" was written-to please the author's daughter, to Whom —as "the only girl on earth "—it is dedicated. Mr. Hills does not much care'for the English, who seem, indeed, to have frequently indulged 'in the pastime known as "pulling his leg"—not altogether an unfair return for the somewhat boy- ish practical jokes in which he boasts of indulging at 'their expense. It was certainly a score for the jester who made him believe in.all earnestness that Lord Roberts's plan of campaign in. the Boer War was drawn up by " German military experts " and presented to us by the Kaiser! A great deal of Mr. Hills's criticism of English habits is --based on no better information than this. But he is sometimes suggestive, and not infrequently amusing.