4 APRIL 1931, Page 38

Stamp Collecting Notes

TILE month of April will bring three events of varying importance to philatelists, in London, Brighton and Parrs respectively. In celebration of the jubilee of one of the oldest philatelic societies in the country, the International Philatelic Union, founded in 1881, an exhibition of rare and curious stamps has been arranged by the members, to which the public is to be admitted free by tickets obtainable from the Honorary Secretary. By courtesy of the President and Council of the senior society, it will be held in the rooms of the Royal Philatelic Society, London, on Wednesday and Thursday, April 15th and 16th, to be followed by a banquet at Frascati's on the 24th of that month. Several Fellows of the Royal Philatelic Society who are also members of the I.P.U. will be prominent among the exhibitors, including, it is understood, the Vice-President (Mr. T. W. Hall), whilst part of the champion- ship collection of British postage stamps formed by Mr. J. B. Seymour, President of the International Philatelic Union, will also be on view.

The Corporation Art Galleries at Brighton are to be the venue of a public display of postage stamps on popular and educational lines arranged by local philatelists from April 11th to 25th inclusive, and will doubtless prove a centre of attraction for stamp-collecting visitors.

Stamps of the French Colonies are second only in popularity to those of the British Empire with the vast majority of collectors. An important section of the International Over- seas Exhibition, which opens in Paris at the Parc Vincennes in April, is to be devoted to the stamps and postal affairs of France and her far-flung dependencies. These exhibits will be of a purely official character, and should be well worth inspection by those philatelists who may be passing through Paris during the period of the exhibition, which lasts until November. Unfortunately, it has not been possible to find accommodation in the exhibition itself for a competitive display of French colonial stamps, upon an international scale, under the auspices of the Societe Franeaise de Timbro- logic, which will be held accordingly in the Musee des Arts Decoratifs next September.

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