4 APRIL 1941, Page 13


Snt,—In the various discussions on the religious life of England and the need and methods of religious education, one point is consistently ignored. Yet, without answering it, the arguments and conclusions become meaningless. What percentage of the country today can be ailed practising Christians, in the sense of consistent communicants or regular chapel-goers? More than 5 per cent.? If the Church of England were disestablished and it became no longer respectable or conventional to be " C. of E." or to be baptized, married and buried in " Church " (and so, presumably, eligible to be counted in Year Book totals as " Church of England "), would not the strongest and the largest body of religious opinion be, probably, Roman Catholic?

I am asking merely for information and do not wish to press the implications of the matter into the realm of controversy. But surely a Gallup survey, or some Mass Observation equivalent, could be of the greatest assistance here in determining the facts on which alone fruitful argument or possible programmes can be based.—I am,