4 APRIL 1941, Page 3

German Invasion Prospects The possibility of an attempted German invasion

of Britain has by no means gone, said General Sir Alan Brooke on Tuesday. The prospect is that the enemy would use sea-borne and air-borne troops, and he has been training large numbers of the latter for transport on gliders. But if Germany is better pre- Pared for invasion it is also true that we are far better prepared to repel attacks. Hitler would rely on the use of armoured sting vehicles devised to move quickly to strategic points. But We also have armoured vehicles for tackling and defeating 111m, and an army far larger and better trained than last year, to say nothing of an Air Force which has proved its quality in conflict with the Luftwaffe. General Brooke dwelt upon the ,111Prerne importance of good staff work in handling a mechan- 4ca army. The victories in Libya and in Italian East Africa wuld not have been won as they were even with the best troops irss the staff work had been superlatively good. We shall not at a disadvantage in that sphere.