4 APRIL 1941, Page 5

The inauguration of a Norwegian Branch of the P.E.N. ub

at a luncheon attended by King Haakon in London on londay is ,..vidence both of the virility of the Norwegian colony England, and of the reality and the value of cultural contacts d of the steady growth of the P.E.N. Club movement, which es its inception mainly to John Galsworthy, itself. In private versation I heard something of the not merely continuing ut increasing resistance by the Norwegians to the German pation. News of this arrives constantly, for each week erwegians are slipping out of the country and crossing the orth Sea in fishing-boats, in spite of everything the Germans y do to try to stop them. My neighbour, who had stayed in erway for some time after the German occupation, reached .don by way of Stockholm, Moscow, Vladivostok and the nued States.

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