4 APRIL 1958, Page 16

SIR,-1 am writing this in order to register my very

sincere appreciation of the lucid, knowledgeable, accurate and fair manner in which Mr. Haycraft has written about the London taxi. Although the London taxicab service is one of the finest of its kind in the world, it receives little commendation and much undeserved criticism, particularly with regard to the fare tariff.

Since the article was written, the Home Secretary

has stated in Parliament : . The accountant's interim report shows that a little more time is needed before the full effect of the increased costs can be judged. I have therefore decided to postpone a full revision of the scale of fares, and that the sur- charge should be retained meanwhile.' As the article so justly stated, 'it would be rash to speculate too much on the matter at the moment.' I hope that when Mr. Butler's pronouncement is made known, the Spectator will find space for a further article

from Mr. Haycraft's able pen. My twenty-five years' experience in active control and operation of this private company and a wealth of statistical and financial detail, much of which is of an original nature, is at his disposal—Yours faithfully, M. M. MELINSKY Chairman and Managing Director Dives Limited, 189 Clapham Road, Stockwell, SW9