4 AUGUST 1838, Page 10

Marshal Soult, accompanied by the Marquis of Dalmatia, M. de

Mornay, and a considerable portion of his suite, took his departure on Sunday for the Continent. His Excellency dined on Saturday with the Duke of Wellington, and embarked at London Bridge fur Calais as early as four in the morning. He had been invited by his old friend, Vice-Admiral Sir Robert Otway, Commander-in-Chief at Sheerness, to visit the arsenal at that port, and afterwards to partake of a splendid entertainment on beard the Howe, 120 guns, lying close by in the Medway. His Excellency accepted the invitation—the last, and. as he himself expressed it, one of the pleasantest he had received in England, and arrived at the Admiralty-house about ten. A royal salute was fired, and the tri-coloured flag was hoisted on board the Howe in honour of his arrival. He was immediately accompanied around the dock-yard by Sir Robert Otway, who explained the various objects of curiosity it contained. Afterwards the party had a splendid breakfast in the chief cabin. The Marshal embarked about noon in a French steamer, one of two which arrived at Sheerness, and, with his suite, took his departure from England.

The Dutchess Alexander of Wurtemberg (formerly Princess Mary of Orleans) was delivered of a prince, at Neuilly, at eleven o'clock ou Monday forenoon. The Dutchess of Orleans arrived at the chateau of the Tuileries on the same day from Neuilly, and would not leave Paris until after her own accouchement, which was expected to take place towards the latter end of this month.

The Courrier Francais of Wednesday contains the following para- graph. " Mr. Burgoyne, an English Major-General, accompanied by Baronet Sutherland, arrived in Paris yesterday, and had an au- dience of Lord Granville, which lasted for two hours." The importance belonging to such an incident, if a real one, is not very obvious, but when there is neither a " General " Burgoyne in the service, nor a Sutherland " among the baronets, and that Earl Granville is at Aix, in Savoy, all surmise or conjecture on the alleged two hours' entretien of the parties would be superfluous.— Times.

The Opposition French papers complain loudly of the unceremo- nious entry of the Police into private dwellings, printing-offices, tko. and their uncontrolled licence in opening bureaus, writing-desks, read ing of correspondence and other documents, and other violations of individual liberty. The Ministerial papers attempt no apology for the practice, nor show that in any case the agents of Government had acted on positive information. The proceeding had, however, bee, m of such frequent occurrence, and the existence of treasonable societies was so generally believed, that the public appeared to take those steps of the Police as matters of course, and paid them no attention.— Times.

The delegates from the British and French Governments have at length fixed the limits for the oyster fisheries at one mile distance from the respective coasts.—Jersey Patriot.