4 AUGUST 1838, Page 10

The following paragraph, from the Montreal Herald of the 2d

of July, shows the discontent of the Orange party with Lord Durham's proceeding.; but we place no reliance on its statements- " The excitement in Montreal and Quebec is such that no company of vo- lunteers would at this moment oppose any hostile body unless they were ac- tually before the city; and if such is the excitement in the town, where I3ri• tons form the majority of the inhabitants, ten times greater must it be among those of British origin who live in the country surrounded by men ready to fall upon them."

The following letter in the Morning Post, written by an American "native" from Quebec, on the 14th of June, is amusing for the lively exhibition of ignorance of common forms.

"I availed myself of my worthy friend Mrs. W.'s invitation to accompany her and her daughter to the Countess of Durham's first drawing-room. Notice was given in all the papers as to the mode of procedure, and I confess I was pleased at the opportunity thus offered of attending the Court of a Vice Queen. Nine o'clock was the hour appointed. A guard of honour was drawn up near the entrance of the chateau, as also a number of Police. The carriages had all to fall in regular order. An aide•de-camp in the splendid—indeed I gorgeous—attire of the Royal Guards, received us at the door and We forward to where another aide-de-camp was in attendance, to Whom I has dell Mrs. W.'s card. We were then passed into the large ballroom, which ,oq became filled with ladies and gentlemen. Among the latter were a go"; number of military and naval officers, many of them covered with star, o,,,1 different orders. The ladies andgentleman-did not separate, as we a In n N"'


York, nor yet stand still, but mingled together, exchanging kindly grate* and cheerful conversation. There were no chairs in the room.

" On entering the presence•chamber, we saw a tall and elegant lady stame n,di.,swd, to

out from a group which formed a kind of half circle, her station hong sk0A two yards in advance. Near her stood the aide-de-camp, splendidly whom I banded Mrs. W.'s card, as directed, while she made her how. I also made mine, and she her second, and then taking my arm, we pas on. The Earl was standing alone, almost two yards from the Coup tees ; and to him I bowed ; which was returned, and on we went. Th, operation of passing through the room did not take up more than dirt, minutes, or perhaps two. The whole presentation was over in little roan than an hour. We passed to the hall, anti hack to the ball-roam ; after some conversation with various acquaintsoce, we passed down to

the saloon, along each side and one end of which. full six feet f, the age, stood a broad elevated table, about four feet high, covered with ft uita, lemonade and various liqueurs, wines, coffee, &c. The attendants were

and had free range, whale the company stood all along, every one receiving what he wished. Thus we amused ourselves for a short time, when we eon, menced a retreat. No carrriage was allowed to leave the stand until called for; and the first called quickly drew up, so that perfect order and regularity pet. vaded the entire arrival and departure; and all was over within two hours. " There was no music, which would have very agreeable to me, and ihe aeon of which was quite a disappointment ; but the drawinprootn was prepsa ratory to a grand ball, and no music is allowed on such occasions. As tit Queen had issued orders that no gentleman shall appear in a black stark, I had to purchase a white stock and white kid.glovea, which was all the es. pense I was subject to. One or two gentlemen had black cravat, on, but such will not receive a card for the ball. It is now regarded as disteveetful to ladies to appear at dinner or in the evening with black stacks or cravats. I confess I taut glad of the change of fashion.

" 1 am told nothing like the splendour of the dinner was ever seen. A gee. tleman who was favoured with an invitation stated to me that the hour names on the card is six, at which time all are expected to assemble. The guests are received on the stairs by a number of servants in grand liveries. A servant ea the landing requests your name, which is given, and the person in waiting calk it out to the servant on the next landing, who repeats it on your arrival, n that the aide-de-camp at the drawing-roam door hears the our e, and p.esaite you to his Lordship, who stands in the middle of the floor. The ladies are presented to the Countess. The kindness of manner and ease with which ill are greeted are truly gratifying. Our ladies in New York Hit while their cam. piny how, but not so the Countess. She stands up, holds out her hand, and at once you are at ease. Dinner being announced, the Earl takes a lady and precedes the Countess, who follows after the ladies. 1 should observe, that the aide-de - camp tells each gentleman what lady he is to hand down, and each gentleman sits beside the lady he so leads to the dinner-40)1e. The table is laid fur forty each day. The service is of gold, and a splendid row of massive gold cups a laid on each side of the table, within range of the plates, and instead of meats, &c. the table presents only the d. s,ert, with flowers, &e. Not a particle of meat is on the table. A decanter of water, a finger-glass half filled, a tumbler or champagne glass, and three wine.glasses are on the right of each plate, is also is salt. Servants attend offering you soup, others with wine, &c. You do not ask for any thing, but take or reject what is offered. No healthy are drunk, nor is there any taking wine, not even with the lady you handed to the room. The servants who supply the wine do not fill until your glass is empty, so that you have not to ask, but when he conies forward you state the kind of wine you choose. The banquet continued until nine o'clock—nearly three

hours. The servants then filled the glasses. The Earl rose, and all followed

his example. ' The Queen' was given. All then resumed their seats; and in three or tour minutes all rose, the gentlemen leading back the ladies to the drawing. roam, where were coffee liqueurs, and music. The harp, piano, and songs by the ladies, concluded a I:anquet which, for elegance, ease, and pleasure, my friend assured me it would be difficult to surpass. I thought of our loaded tables in New York, and could not hesitate where to give the preference."

We suspect that Lord Durham's display of magnificence, will, maugre the spiteful ridicule of the Tory press, prove a good stroke of policy after all.

The mismanagement of the Colonial emigration fund is the subject of much complaint in Sydney papers and letters. It is said that eight vessels have been fitted out from England, at an expense of from 40,0001. to 50,000/. to the colony of New South Wales, conveying 528 men, 612 women, arid 1270 children ; but of the men not more than half were agricultural labourers, the description of emigrants particu- larly wanted. The cost of the voyage is about 201. a head—much too large a sum. The South Australian Commissioners pay nothing like it for the transmission of labourers to Adelaide ; and the suspicion of mismanagement and jobbing in England naturally arises. Hill Coolies could be procured at the rate of 101. a bead ; and such was the eager- ness to get additional labour, that probably a lot of Indians will be imported before the orders from England, prohibiting the traffic, will arrive. Property worth 150,0001, belonging to a gentleman who was about to leave the colony fur Englund, was advertised for sale.