4 AUGUST 1838, Page 17

Mn. ocuactc's NEW ZEALAND.

THE author of this work resided in New Zealand for six or seven years. His object appears to have been to better his fortunes; and his time to have been employed in barter, cultivating a farm or two which he bad purchased, and in travelling both by land and water for the purpose of negotiating commercial treaties with the New Zealand chiefs—or, to speak in language more adapted to the theme, in making trading bargains with the heads of villages. How he profited in a worldly sense, we do not know ; but his sojourn has not been without advantage in a literary view. With some reading, a good deal of practical knowledge, very quick and considerable powers of observation, as well as a slash of facetious- ness, he has been able to make advantageous use of his oppor- tunities, and has produced one of the most complete accounts of a half-savage country we have lately met with. We d3 not mean to say that he would satisfy the geographer ; for he does not seem to have visited the Southern island at all, much of the Northern he describes from hearsay, and he is perhaps de- ficient in the acquirements a geographer must possess: and the botanist, the geologist, and other professors of the physical sciences, may be equally dissatisfied with his labours, if they construed our remark by their own expectations. What we mean is, that Mr. Posacx's volumes will furnish a very good idea of the pre- sent condition and capability of these islands ; include g their extent, their productions, their harbours, rivers, climate, &c. They will also convey a living picture of the custom, manners,. morals, and character of the natives; including their aptitude for civilization and amalgamating with European blood. And this is accomplished in despite of a little forced wit, a method none of the clearest so far as narrative is concerned, a disposition to colour, and a knack of backing his own experience by quotations from such well-known books as Coox's Voyages.

The work may be said to consist of two parts. One embracing a general view of the country, and its vegetable, animal, and mineral productions, together with the history, traditions, superstitions, practices, character, can nibalisms, customs, and laws of the people, mostly derived from the author's experience, but occasionally en- forced from other writers, and delivered in the form of general conclusions, unless where illustrated by individual anecdotes. The other part contains a narrative of one of his jimmies through the interior of the country, and along the Western coast, to ascer- tain whether the mouth of the Kaipath river had a navigable channel, and to obtain the consent of the chieftains for a settle- ment to be formed on its banks. This journey was performed on Got or in the canoes of the natives, min led the traveller through parts of the island where a W Into man had never yet been seen. He was accompanied by a native servant, and ten young men, principally sons of native chiefs, to pet form various offices!, and carry provisions, &c. on their backs,—which, by a peculiar refine- ment of opinion, can only be laden, without degradation, in the service of a White. As regards danger, there was none,— at least none to a person acquainted with native customs, and willing to comply with them ; and little privation, beyond the hardships and fatigue of travelling, frequently during bad wea- ther, through forest, swamp, mountain, and plains in a state of nature : but the journey presents one of the best pictures of savage life and savage character, apart from absolute barbarism on the one band and romance on the other, that we remember to have read. It also, by its distinct truth, enables the reader to form a very tolerable picture of the native society of New ;Sea- land, and the general features of the country ; which are these. Primeval forests of large and valuable timber, so thickly inter- sected with parasitical underwood, as to he frequently impassable without difficulty ; swampy bottoms in the sallies and on the hanks of rivers, producing great natural crops of New Zealand flax, but capable of being easily drained for other agricultural purposes ; fertile plains, and towards the Northern point bold mountainous headlands and sandy shores, extending some dis- tance inland. Considering the extent of the country, it is watered by an extraordinary number of navigable rivers, falling into an estuary, and constantly intersected by streams admirably adapted to agricultural purposes. The land immediately round the villages is carefully cultivated, showing industry and skill on the part of the natives, in the limited sphere they have for its employment : but these villages are very few; large tracts or fertile but wholly unoccupied land intervening between them—some the possessions of tribes now exterminated by native wars—others the waste outlying parts of districts which their nominal owners cannot use, and on which they invite Europeans to settle, assigning as a reason that trade furnishes their people with employment,.and diverts their minds, that otherwise find vent in wars which they cannot prevent. Indeed, Mr. POLACK asserts that one half the laud is unowned.

On a late occasion, we noticed a book which dealt with the crimes perpetrated by Europeans against the aborigines : these we have no wish to soften ; but, as a matter of justice, we may look at the dealings of aborigines with one another. Here is a picture of one of their wars.

F "The valley of Te-Taohare was strictly tapued. Here was fought the last battle with the unfortunate tribes of this river, the remnant that was saved being taken for slaves. The groves that formed the Waiatipu (burying-ground) for the hones of the miserable slain, lay in front of us as we landed. On this beach the vanquished were devoured.

"On my advancing near the Wai-tapu, the natives, in a piteous tone, begged me not to go near; as the spirits (wairwa of the place would kill them, or at least make them ill, for having brought a White man to this vil- lage of the dead. I moved away from the place, which, from its solitaty and dreary aspect, together with the details given me of the former unhappy people, and the treacherous manner in which they were murdered, gave

me a great dislike to the spot. The clear notes of the little 'nima/t bird, lopping among the branches of the M'aialipu, struck on my ear like a primi-

tive requiem to the departed, of whom not a descendant existed in the bitted lands of their birth, containing the treasured cemeteries cf their ancestors. * * " Unable, from the stormy violence of the contending elements, to compose myself to rest, I called to Tamaroa and Rapu, who came to me. They were unable to take repose. They gave me an account of the battle that had taken place about 1826 in this place. It appeared that an alliance bad been formed between tit Napui chiefs, under E'Ongi, of the Bay of lelands, their friends of the North Cape, and Hokianga. These tribes then proceeded against the people

of Kaiptini, who acted on the defensive, and kept within theit fortitivations. Repeated assault; were made on the 1,6 by the former, but proved unsuccessful. " This strunghold was invincible to the Northern natives, whose repeated :a- tacks proved fruitless. They despatched a karara, or messenger, to request a cessation of hostilities; and, after much native diplomacy, it was ultimately

agreed that a principal chief of the Hokianga hibe should wed the daughter of the principal chief of the Kaipala people. "A mutual exchange of visits followed, the fin tifications were thrown open by the besieged to their late invaders, feasts were given, and all the tribes un either side were apparently delighted at the diecentinumme of " The bride was wooed, won, and the nuptials cnnsummated. This calm was succeeded by a fearful tempest. On the second day after the marriage, a pm-

concerted signal was given by the allied tribe', and au indiscriminate massacre

of the inhabitants of the place ensued ; neither sex nor age was spared, except such as were reserved as slaves to the we:whew:le conquerors. During the carnage, an untoward event' occurred to one of the heed chiefs of the 13:y of Islands, uncle to the since celebrated 'fitore, who also took part in this butchery. "'phi, relative, on pilfering thoughts intent,' was busily engaged searching the deserted houses for plunder, when lie espied a femalechief iu frantic grief near one of the huts. lie instantly pounced upon her as his slave ; with many threats he commanded her to tell him where Lei valuables were placed. With- out speaking, she 'minted to the hut, whose door-place, for the sake of warmth, was made so diminutive as just to admit a person crawling on his knees. The chief entered, and found some mats, fish-hooks, anti lines, anti other little native valuables, and threw them outside. UMW tnnately for this hero, be had got in the house, and had now to get out in the saute prostrate manner. In order to eject himself the easier, be also threw outside with his captures the tomahawk which bad done bins service during the battle. Ile had just pro- truded his head and shoulders, when the aoman seized the deadly weapon, and in a few blows severed his head awn the worthless body. " Numerous minor occurrences of a similar nature, that took place durieg, the battle, were related to me by Tamaroa, who, with Imlay others of our party, were present, actively engaged in the tight on the side of the epics.

Other passages of a similar kind might be quoted; but, ac- companied as they are with all the disgusting horrors of can- nibalism, we will pass to a more peaceful theme—a conservative speech in a native parlement, held to consider Mr. POL:.CleS pro- posals for permission to settle.

"One of these hoary ancients arose to address the gimp ; his name was Mu- ttuou : lie at Est walked up and down the circle formed by the people, to aid the orators in giving effect to their arguments. After a short tittle employed in collecting his thoughts, he took short runs to and fro around the space al. lotted.

" This veteran pretended to be highly indignant at my corning among them. The Europeans, he said, were overrunning the land, so that wars must in a short time cease: and what were the pleasures left to the people when they should be restricted killing their enemies and preserving their beads as un- doubted memorials of triumph? (pointing with his short /rani to those placed on poles that were opposite to us.) War was his delight ; it had been the sole pleasures pursued by his ancestors (tepuna) and ought to be so of their children. And was it so? Nu; the White men had come among them, and the wart ior was obliged to give way to women and slaves, whose utmost ability consisted

in paddling canoes, pounding fern-rout, or scraping flax (imitating those various

employments.) Yet, but a little while, and not an enemy would be found to combat with ; they would all become women and flax-dressers. Who wanted

Sre.arnis? Pur his part he could not take sit», and they were useless to him, and therefore ought to be unserviceable to everybody else ; they did scarce any damage in comparison to the weapons of the nation, handed down to them by the fathers of the land. He did not want to see a white face; lie had heard to the northward (pointing in that direction), that a eltief was made to feel ashamed in killing his own slave, and that the bodies were obliged to be eaten

in secrecy and silence. lie could scarcely give credit to so foul a report, and attributed it to the invention of persons who would impose on the natural easi- ness of his disposition. It coutol not, should nut be. No ! lie would sooner eat all the White men himself, than be reduced to a state so cirri abject. (there be imitated the action of gnawing his right arm.)

" This sally created a general laugh, in which I joined, and which heartily tickled the irascible veteran himself; who continued. Nu! he would live to spite the White nien, and break his fast on in fresh slave every morning. The

.very Atuas of the country were arrayed against the new comets (instancing our adventures in connexion with Taineteri.) And where did the party intend

going ? Down the Kaipara river, every spot of which was sacred, for in race of

chiefs who would never allow us to land on those shores without slowing their resentment in a signal manner. Fur his pert, no canoe should leave AlatClohi Wangare; (the name of the village,) nor should any White man again visit them. They will, perhaps; he added, persuade us not to punish the

tribes of Wai ma, who have destroyed our Wai-tapes, dug up our provisions,

and stolen the property of our people. Never ! let the flax grow and our forests stand ; if we waut clothing, we have our women to make them (he hail seven wives, not including handmaids); if food be our object, we have slaves to plant for us; acd of them we shall never be deficient as long as our enemies exist. No canoe shall leave this village; and let the White man return to his resi- dence. The tribes among whom he has taken up his abode way be our friends now, but have they not been our euemiea? (There he recounted a series of ancient feuds that had existed in the times of his progenitors.) No; let the White man go. Whn sent fur him? Ile come from beyond sea to us; he has seen us; what does he further want? Let him go back.'" The oration of another old gentleman was cut short by a violent toothache; but in the end, the " wisdom of our ancestors" was outvoted, and the antique orators conciliated by a present,— perhaps, like patriots nearer home, they had only put 0,ellevaell;:yseato:::: hostility, to make better terms for themselves, was a source of wonder. His colour was an object of ink,' admiration : a pair of old black gloves, supposed to be hissi7 seemed little less than miraculous when drawn off; and sit it In the remoter villages where Mr. POLACK travelled • day; and on opening my eyes, observed my cabin, which I stated wa, ea: minor travelling comforts in which Europeangseinsedxuilnguseteolvitabal then in front, crowded with the inhabitants of the villa so. a tonisiament and delight. Here is one of th mingled

when our traveller made his toilet in public.

" Early in the morning, I felt quite refreshed from the fatigue of theptee arise. My throat, which W39 uncovered, and was less bronzed by the sun: my face or hands, called forth universal remarks. The works of a peaaa Praxiteles could not have elicited from the most devoted lover of tyre, stronger terms of approbation. My readers will not, I hope, imagine Igoe,' Bulging in silly vanity from the above expressions, made use of to ezeteat'a surprise of the people which arose on behulding a complesiun so dissioalQ what they had been accustomed to view. "I huddled on my clothes with all the deliency I coull use ; which ppea these people much, from the continual habit they have been accustomedt, since infancy of seeing the males work in nudity. I hastily stole from at sleeping-place, and desired l'uhi to put my shaving utensils in order. " At this operation, which was new to every person present, fresh Mow: surprise were raised. The lather from the shaving-box was a sourced," der : it was compared to the oupapa, or snow, which some of them had yea the southward ; and as I had as quickly produced fire fruits a box as 'soot' for shaving, they inquired, with characteristic simplicity, whether I was ittlt habit of keeping thunder and lightning also by me. "A tin washing.dish was brought by Puhi, who performed his office of tie with looks of inetaffile importance. It was a prowl day fur hitn. There* were delighted at the uncommon sight. The service of the comb was rage understood ; this article, made from various woods, being an ancient ornatea of the count, y, called heath. The tooth-brush had never been seen heat: this was an improvement that never mild have been imagined. The loukia glass was handed round ; and sonic of the ladies were so fascinated with uic they saw reflected in this indispensable article of the toilette, that withm difficulty they could be induced to return it. Among the admirers of tit luxurious piece of furniture was Koruliana,_ who was delighted with it. la. hug to oblige her father, who had treated myself and Suite BO hospiably1 reedily gave it to her at the old gentlemau's request. " Kulta was highly gratified at the effect produced by the soap and towelas: requested me to allow hint the use of the utensils. Pali, who felt as ifta duty of a prime minister had devolved on him, strutted about in constipate 1 hail no objection to please the old man ; curious, also, to observe theefet, it would have on a face that bad not been washed, unless by a passing slow of rain, for perhaps seventy years ; but, like to Icarus of old, he had mann for his experiment. The old man had rubbed the soap with all his mightot his nustrils old within his eyes, without using water. The unfortunate thy, blinded by the pungent composition, stamped in aguny. 1 desired Puhi tole: him in that state to the briuk of the adjacent stream, where he had the clear ablution he had doubtless inidergolie since his birth. nail dried and corgi Lim; and when the old man returned, he looked twelve years youngeaudi cutiple of shades lighter for the immersion."

The landscapes of Mr. Pm....acac. are merely passing sketelta more valuable for the notions they convey of the country than fat any merit as pictures. The attention just now directed towards New Zealand as a field for colonization, gives them, howevetot interest in themselves : so we will take a few passages. " There is scarcely a more splendid sight to behold than a New Zulu: forest. In the one we now emitted, we do not perceive any kouri, or yekt pine-trees; but the tutors, or red pine, grew in vast abundance. Some daft trees were of immeuse size, from twenty to thirty feet in circumference, gree. lag to a height of sixty feet. 'the rito, and innumerable other pahuarees, rat t in great quantity.

As we emerged from the forest, we entered on a small plain, that hadat handsome appearance of an English park ; it was beautifully pictureeet; ' and it was with difficulty I could acknowledge to myself the hand of mina! not planned the scene. The clematis, campanula trachelium, or bell awe whose hues, white, red, and yellow, with the convolvulus, or bind-wetda innumerable indigenous liands, hung around in pleasing disorder. After put

mug this lovely little tel we again entered a forest which extended tree i two miles. This latter route was particularly fatiguing, from the IMMIX spreading roots of trees which rose to a gigantic height, cutting the falai tripping us at almost every step. The louse soil around was also annoyinefra the late rains that had fallen, which rendered the place quite a quagmire Several purling streams gently Ineaudered through thus forest; and hellish Owl were we on emerging once more to the plaius, which were distieguiatt as belonging to the district of Kuihu, which joins those of the '

" We now arrived at the end of the plain, which was bordered by theaters: iniperviuus forest of Pamaki, which was densely studded with splendidlu4. trees, many of which were between twenty and thirty feet in ciecumferencee the base, and the trunk gently tapering, as straight as an arrow, withoutt

blanch to ninety feet. The heads of these trees were so umbrageous asters: a deep shade around, and exclude from that part of the forest the eight ofia heavens. The base of these trees anti the earth around was covered wall' kdpia, or gum, that exudes in large quantities from their trunks. Many abet trees abutnaled in Paniaki ; such as the kaikatea' maa m rewa-rewa, totarape riri, rata, kahikti, tipow, tanikaha, riniu, and various kinds of akkas, tar

which will be found described in the Appendix. The supple jack war fowl very annoying. This hand, of the thickness of a stout rattan, entwined itell

among the trees, and much impeded our progress, by interlacing unmoor path ; it is very elastic. On the branches of the tato, and other trees, whit the soil had been raised by heavy gusts of wind, or had arrested vegetable ma ter in its fall, flourished the wild indigenous parasitical plant called tarsi (Astilia anyast Alia.) The kukupa, or wild pigeon, often larger thole European bad of the same genus, flocked in numbers through these awl wilds ; they wet e easily distinguished by their whistling note and the rutilia noise of their wings, while volitaly among the trees. Parrots and pampa also fluttered around. The plumage of these birds is truly beautiful. We oa cupied four hours in passing through this forest, my companions keeping Po

with me although heavily laden. • * • * "'floe plain we next passed over was perfectly level, containing many LI° sand acres, and was much more extensive than I was led to believe at first vies', it was covered with ferns (kaikatoa) and elderberry hushes. Someelnuipsa trees gave the place the appearance of beautiful shrubberies. The hills (meal side were distant and irregular, but apparently well covered with useful tidal; Another swamp terminated at the end of the plain this was literally filled with flax; which, being in flower, produced a pleasing effect.

" We soon gained another plain, on a hich the tlasdeaves were sabilil.p

reader it aluubt impenetrable." • • • •


waving leaves rose to the height of twelve feet ; the shale growing between the which bearthe flowers and seed rising to the height of twenty feet, which otu,fts a ehu• n.. the sides of this silent river. Here was an article growing in wild, luxuriant abundance, amply sufficient to employ the energies of thousands of a iudusttious people ; but this place was deserted, and not an inhabitant win to be seen. The very names of many tribes, originally belonging to the boil, had passed away from human remembrance. a Several places we passed were pointed out to me as having been particm nib, populous. The only remembrance left of human beings having tenanted were a few rotten sticks and decayed rushes, and, in various spots, the place, pieces of old canoes standing perpendicular and solitary, grotesquely carved, as a monument to an illustrious man departed. These deserted spots—villages no wore—

from the lone, unbroken silence around, gave me sensations unddinably

opkaeam, Where,' 1 inquired, musingly, is the tirring haka, the tangi of affection, the agile dance, and shout of merriment?' I was answered by the P a

iutive tidi.ti of the Koritnaku bird, who sat perched on a rani, whose origi- nal carving had long since been obliterated and covered with ivy.like moss."


" The surrounding scenery possessed the sublimity and beauty so conspicuous in the mountain :rallies of the island. The hills were steep anti pit:tins:Nue. The situation of the village in the valley was highly pleasing ; the smoke from the various native ovens, towering above the bills, added to the effect. "We passed the plantations hal'ore we entered the pa. Potatoes, kumeras, Indian corn, meloaa, pumpkins, vegetable marrow, the uamaori, kai taus, and turnip, were hoe planted with a regularity and neatness that astonished the travelling Eurepean at the advanced state of improvement wherein agricultural pursuits are tallied on by these people, who are so far be- hied the ails in every thing else. A tainpa, or finice, surrounded each plot of reund, to prevent the dogs and pigs from following the natural bent of their inclinations. Ilere we landed : some of the villagers came forn•at d to carry me over the rivulet, n Inch in parts WA, 1101101'1A by deep soft mud. I mounted on the back done of these bipedal steeds, tthn t•nuettfl his part with pleasantry, much to his own amusement and the (Tuna that fialowed at our heals. He several times pretended to slip anti tumble me into the stream. This freak told best when we had to cress a muddy plata., which often buried this high-nettled racer up to his kuves in a Wile clinic. 1 had no fears of the kind, but kilned in the meta timent. Old Kamera did not cwape su hell. Anxious to copy my triumphal entry into the capital, he Ilea aed hard fin same prison to carry him. None were inclined to undertake the task ; his to carry a White man was esteen e en hrni011iab!e performance far a principal warrior, but one of their own

breechlees country men was really ,knife 31...ther affair. However, he laid hold of a slave of his own, who Lad now joinoi us, and 1114 mind his back : but the heavy obesity of the priest, compared to my lighter pi aportions, ill agreed ; and,

in a slimy spot, down went the tutee and hi, rider. I did not stay fur the re- sult; but the luckless Kalamai did nut make his appearance for a full half.hour, as lie had to commence a fresh tail, tee, and maid an express to the village fur a flesh stock of feathers, hie own being spoiled iu the mud."

Mr. POLACK speaks well of the New Zealand females, espe- cially those of the higher class. The laxity of morals with which they have been charged, arises from two causes, both aggrmated by the many preiligate Europeans who infest the islands,—the number of slaves who are fenced to prostitute themselves by their masters; and the circumstance of chastity in unmarried women not being regarded. Alter marriage, they are as scrupulous as our own countrywomen ; death inevitably renewing detection, unless very heavy damages are thrthcoming from seine quarter. Often, however, the female affection is very strong, and the death of a husband is frequently accompanied by the suicide of the wife. Many anecdotes of this kind are narrated by Mr. POLACK: here is one, which turned out unfortunately for the gentleman reporter.

" Among many such occurrences as I have witnessed, a circumstance of the kind took place during my stay at the south-west coast, when the rep:sit are ived that a certain chief belonging to the village had been killed in battle: a relative immediately pee the head wife of the defunct a rope made of flax, which she totk, and instantly went to some sacred hushes and hung heibelf : no prawn attempted to prevent her.

" 1 have selected this example, as it was afterwards found the chief teas only 'missing' in the next bulletin. Within a few days, he with other warriors returned from the war ; and, learning the death of his wife, the slave o ho had brought the news was instantly killed, cooked, and devoured, as payment for the 'returned killed.' "

Of the general character of the New Zealanders it is difficult to form a judgment from our author, because his single facts and his general conclusions differ; his anecdotes placing their honesty and god disposition higher than his summing-up, or than some second-hand accounts of their wars and massacres. Much seems to depend upon their humour at the time ; a good deal upon their fears; something upon their situation. The inland tribes, though more barbarous and cruel to one another, seem to be more simple and honest than the natives near the European settlements ; who bare got rid of some of their cannibal propensities and their native superstitions, acquiring instead the politer and more artful vices. They are charged with universal treachery ; a charge made, and supported by facts, against all uncivilized people from the days of C.Estia downwards. But this proceeds less from natural dispo- sition than ignorance and a stunted mental growth. Their minds are childish, almost infantile—capricious, uncertain, incapable of much foresight, moved by impulse, and snatching at an object of desire by any means, exactly as we see children. Hence, when they have parted with any thing, on what we may call flair terms, '(bneause clearly understood at the time of the bargain, though certainly inadequate in value,) and they repent of their sale, they repossess themselves of the object by the easiest means. Like children, they have no idea of consistency, or sticking to a bar.

sgain: unrestrained by any notion of bonoui—very limited in their experience of affairs—incapable of foreseeing the evils their actions may bring upon themselves, and without the power of

self-consul—whenever they change their mind they change their conduct. The ignorant (and by that word we do not merely mean common sailors) get angry at this, and, putting them out of the social pale fur what they conceive treachery, punish them; the • berm the banks on either side presented solely flax-bushes, whose tall politic take advantage of it, and punish them in another way.

The only persons cotnretent to deal fairly and equitably with savages of' any kind, are men who to a full knowledge of their weakness join patience to bear with it, and who, more than form a connexion with them without any petty, sordid, or directly personal ends.

Such men are not at present on the island. Of the three classes into which the Europeans may be arranged, the Missionaries are the first and now the best; but they are without much organiza- tion or numerical strength, and have no power to enforce regula- tions or defend themselves either against the natives or their own countrymen. The commercial residents, even if respect- able, look to no object but immediate gain ; and in the pursuit, must often have recourse to trading arts, which, however cus- tomary, can impress no one with a sense of their moral dignity. Except the instances of King's ships, or a few mercantile vessels of a superior class, the whalers, runaway sailors, and escaped convicts, not only corrupt the natives, and effectually oppose all that individuals can do to improve them, but often exercise upon them the greatest atrocities. The following is, we hope, not a common specimen, but a most revolting instance.

" It must be added, that many masters of colonial trading vessels; have, for the pinny interested consideration of a few was of flirt, done every thing that !any could devise to aid these miserable savaaes in destroying each other. A man, if he deserves the appellative, named Stewart, commandod a brig called

the " Elizabeth," and s tiled from Port Jackson in 1831 : he directed his course to Cook's Streight, in search of flax to fill his vessel. On arriving at the flax district, he inquired for the article be was in :pleat nf; when the natives told

him, if he would hdp them to ',corny their enemies, his assistance should be rewarded with a cargo of flax. The pa fidiona wretch instantly agreed, took as pasaengers a large number of native win•riora, and sailed for Banks Peninsula. (In arriving off the coast, Stewart decoyed the principal chiefs and families on hoard, when they were immediately put in confinement. A great number of the natives of the district were thus drcoyed, put to death with tortures, and actually milted in the ship's canters ; and when the inhabitant scould no longer be induced to go on board the Iloatitig Golgotha, Stewart and the natives went on shore, destroyed all they could find, and set fire to the villages. " The horror of the poor captured wretches, when they finind themselves betrayrd by a White man, in whew tribes they had always trusted, is not to be d4 s Tibuil. • " The hod chief, a venerable old man, it is currently reported, was nailed alive to a staunchion in the cabin, while the body of his son, in a cooked state, was devoured before him. Other cruelties practised are too disgusting to be men- tioned. The authorities in Pent Jaekson took notice of the crime, and the horrid details were sent home to the Colonial Secretary : it was received with the usual expression of English sympathy, regarded as monstrous and very shacking, and no more was said about it. The ruffian who committed the villany was allowed to escape ; he left Sydney in the same vessel in which he committed those enormities. Another master of a schooner, of the same name a• the above inhuman Mao trafficked in similar commodities. The nen. sibility of the latter Stewart would only permit him to deal in preserved heads, in which he created such it scarcity in the market, that the naives were in- duced to fight to preserve the heads of the conquered, and finally obliged Go- vomit Hailing, of New South Wales, to issue a humane order against the im- imitation of anah disgusting traffic to a civilized man."

The implied censure in this passage against the Colonial Go- vernment is scarcely just. The crimes being perpetrated without the British dominions, and not upon British subjects, are, we believe, unpunishable by the law. At the same time, quite enough remains for censure. Although these atrocities took place some years ago, nothing has been done to prevent their recurrence. The law is as it was. Where the Colonial Ofiice could enforce it, they will not; taking no steps to arrest the runaway convicts, who have committed felony by escaping. The Resident sent out to New Zealand, is said by Mr. POLACK to be unfit for his post. At all events, he costs the country from 8001. to 1,0001. a )ear, and is utterly useless ; for the Government take no heed of his recommendations, and he has not a particle of force to back any thing he may wish to effect. Nothing short of a regular naval and military establishment can maintain order amongst the lawless hordes who congregate in such numbers at that island. Nothing lest than a sound and extensive plan of colonization, at the head of which shall be men who have no object to answer by oppressing the natives, can effect any moral or national improve- ment; and this the Government will neither do itself, nor allow any others to do under their sanction.