4 AUGUST 1838, Page 9


Since Tory Members of Parliament there must be, we always re- joice when one of the elite of the party is chosen in preference to those of baser mould : we therefore congratulate theConservatives of Furfarshire on the approaching return of Mr. Ilao k ins of Dannichen, aged forty.two; whose election, as appears from the following letter, addressed by the gentleman himself to the editor of the Standard, is quite secure. Lord Douglas Gordon lialliburton has received notice


"Outinielten noose, Voisrar, y 21. offie—You and all your readers will be gratified to learn that wherever a vibrancy in the representation in Parliament of Forfarshire shall occur, I, a Conservative, shall be returned, not only without opposition, hot by the full consent of a large majority of the electors, whether Tory, aVhig, or Radical. A vacancy is soon expected. for, in addition to his former 611.41'10114 disease, I hear that Lord Douglas Gordon Ilalliburton has recently had an attack of paralysis. at I may mention that it is through my mother that I am connected with Scotland. Her maternal uncle, whore heiress she now is, WAS the late George • Dempster of Donnichen, who represented in Parliament. from 1760 to 1766, the boroughs of Perth, Cupar, St. Andrew's, pumice, and Forfar ; • in get lino himself returned for which he expended a great deal of money, having sold half the property he inherited, and buithawil the rest with so large a sum, that after payment OT the interest and other expenses, little or nothing was left to him. An annuity of 500/. bequeathed to hint, and the arses as secretary to the Order of the Thistle, which he got during the shot tdived id iii i list's:ohm of the Marquis of Rockingham, comoosed his income. "I was born in Bengal. in 1796. My father, the late Francis 11 ink:tot, bold high situations in the civil service, and at the time of his death at the Cape of Good Hope, in December 3831, was Senior Member of the Mead of Revenue Allawlut, at Calcutta. Ile was youngest son of the Lim IL James Hawkins, Bishop of It phoe, who died in 1x 07. and his eto

brothers are Admiral Sir Jame. Hawkins Whitsherl, Bart , G. C. and Dr. Thomas Hawkins, Dean of Clonfert and Rector of 13Itnktteren, in the runty of Limerick. I was sent home from India to the crate of a Inother and sister of my father's, and received it highly.linished education in Lag- land. When seventeen years of age, Mr. Dempster requested my go:nitrate, to allow me to live with hint in Scotland ; for, looking upon me as his mole representative, he thought that, unless I came in my youth, I might not like to reside at Dannichen. I cone there, and with the interval of two years my sisters also. I passed advocate in Milano eh, not so much

with a view to the profession, as to qualify me fur being a country getilleinan and a Justice of the Peace. In June 1517, any mother came home with her yotingest son, and joined the family party. In November all proceeded to Edinburgh, that my sister might enter into society ; anal while there we, is February 1818, received intelligence of Mr. Dempster having died without &struggle, sitting in his armchair before the fire: he was nearly eiglity.six years of age. The effect of this news, and of having left him, was upon my mother terrific—itetanity, first of the melancholic, alert subserptently of the excited state, made restraint and medical care necessary.

"I had after this time, fur many years, with the command of a good income, opportunities fur seeing human life, under all the varieties of soci. ty, in Great Britain and on the Continent ; and having always the organs of observ.ttian and-inference, much knowledge of mankind was gained. In February 1829, when in Paris, I attended the preaching of Mr. Middleton, a pious and tilented English minister, whom Mr. Louis Way had placed in the beautiful eliapel he had constructed in the ball.romn of the Chateau In the Champs Elysees, which he bought for the purpose, from a strong fi.eline of the want of religious instruction to the numerous British residents ua Paris.

" It was then, that without getting any new theoretic knowledge, it pleased God to bring the truth of the Gospel to my heart, and I received the faith, and hoed in the hopes of it 1 returned to this place in May 1529, tool tried curt y

means to do gond, and to make myself useful in any was. In the winter, tak-

ing a severe cold, I went to Edinburgh, and in March 18:10 was married to anyorerent lady, by whom I have had a family. In the married state 1 h all stillthore mean, of usefulness; and attending to parish and county matters, my talents for business soon showed themselves, and when any thing of difficulty, or a speech at a public meeting was wanted, my SO vices were urgently requested.

At the general election in January 18:35, the leaders of the Conservative party, without consulting me, invited the llonouraldeJohn Stuart Wortley to be- come a candidate. I always thought this the most injudititols thing that evil was done; for Mr. Wortley was little known in this county, and what was known of him was connected with his contest with another Tory, a blusher of tbeEarl of Ablie, for the return by the Northern district of lewoughe. When, however, being invited to meet him in a room in the inn at nitro-, ha shone cordially foment and shook my hand, and subsequently geld me he hail of the other fifteen gentlemen present who it was he should ask to be eliairntan of his general committee, as well as of that of the Forfar district, and that they unaminuutly pointed me out fur that, I could nut refuse his request. 1 bad a prophetic anticipation of the result of the contest. Notwithstanding the pro. cases by a majority of electors, intimidation carried the election of his opponent on the first day ; 41111 the life of Mr. Wortley and myself w is more than once attempted. Had I been in Mr. Wortley's stead, I should have been returned. The feelings of dislike towards myself soon gave way. I had an opportunity of essentially serving the interests of Forfar and Arbroath, by efficiently pre • venting the rejection by the Bosse of Lords of the At breath and Forfar Rail. way Company's hill, which my Tory friends and neighbours opposed, and one ef them went te London for that purpose. More recently they are grateful for the present made by me of the original portrait of the late George Delopeter, in handsome frame with inscriptions, to be placed in the Town. hall, an im- Pined copy of the same having been made for me by an Edinburgh artist. " On this estate three is a village of Ferraris, (qtr./agars ?) call it Lechers. and in a square mile there is a population of one thousand souk. The opera. tives of that village pelted Inc and Mr. Wortley out of it ; but things are much changed now. I have sown good seed in this parish, and a rich harvest is appearing. There being an aged and incompetent minister, of whom the parishioners complainrel, I proposed to him and to the male communicants, beads of families, who have the right of veto, that I should select a certain num- ber of licentiates of the Church who should preach, and then the one chosen by the majority should be recommended by petition to the Crown from myself, u representing the principal beritor and themselves, for his appointment as assistant and soceessor to the minister. This was ultimately effected. Mr. Ft rgussirn. a most pious and eloquent minister, has already done much

A great moral improventeet has taken place, and some teal conversions. A 'le-

ef the value of 251. raised by the subscriptions of the parishioners, was presented to me in the kill :on the day of Mr. Fergusson's ordination ; after which I proceeded to build a commodious church in Letham, in which he preaches in the afternoon ; and by toy continued benevolence toward. its jabs- bitants they have bee iiiii e much attached to me.

" All I have written, as proving what good a Christian life, combined with practical talents, can do, should be a lesson to all Conservatives; and if at- tended to, there would b9011 be a Represuntatise of that party fur every county in Similand.

" It remains for me now to mention one alive, which is of consequence. My preseht income, (hi ived from the ieterest of trolley and rents of houses in Bengal. is only 1,01101. a year, with the addition occadonally of dividends from Calcutta. in live years the large skit left by the late George Dempster will be Bleared, and it new trust appuiletel by thy Court. of Session. As by the law of Seatland the heir cannot on stweeedirig, as in my ea.., have any share of the atommulatiews of mat, tot in eqiiiry the said Court will allow me one-third of the five produce of the rent. The rental in five years will be 2,7001.; and de- ducting 300/. for public burdens and the expense of management, the third would he 80111., which would make me independent. Should my her live ten years, mu succeeding to her I should h we an estate of 3,0001. a year, with several thousand poem's, as any t.hote of her personal eidate iu England ; • and I should then have to 41(1,1 the name of Dempster'Dempster'to the present one of James Whitshed Dawkins.

" lo the mean time, I Lek with confithure to the generosity and gratitude of the Consrrearives of the other counties of Semiarid and those of England, on their knowledge of my chat:atom. and actions, to provide me with the [twang, when returned to Parliament, of puseliasing formic re for a house taken on !eau.. and to makeup annually for me Ilt4! ■11 o of 8ild1, to meet the expenses of taking to at,' 14.1111 London my tinily estahli•Itturitt, the extra charges on living Otero, and the many don olds which a 'Member for a county is exposed to. " I mention the furnishilig a house, tor nearly all the furnished houses in Lorefon are dirty and titheensts..! ohjectionable.

" For the sake of inderendent e, I cannot accept of any pecuniary assistance from any proprietor in this county.

" In the assurance Oat you and all the well-disposed persons who read my celimmiiications will lie much gratified with them, and will join with me is thaollidn•ss to Powideace who has graciously overruled events iu this county for its good,

" I erns din, Sir, yours mid your readers' most deemed servant,


Thi• progress of sound opinions among the Conservatives may be in. furred from the whole letter of 11r. Hawkins, mind particularly from e

o the adhesio of so etninent a statesman to the new Radical doctrine that Members of Paatment should be paid for their services—on the old Christian and apostolic principle, that " the labourer is worthy of his hire." W'e cannot suilieiently admire Mr. Ilawkins's modesty, and the reasonableness of his requisition to the county Conservatives of Scielaed :mil of England. rostra' of $001., they should subscribe Sekal., and be glad to get such a 'shining light at so small an outlay. (.1' course Mr. lia■vkins cannot be expected to live at his own cost to famished houses that arc " dirty mid whet wise objectionable."