4 AUGUST 1855, Page 11


Grisi and Mario made their last appearance " for the season" on Sa- turday last. There was an enormous house, and great excitement ; but not a scene of sentiment and pathos, as there was last year, when the fair prima donna, "like Niobe, all tears," took her last farewell of a sympa- thizing and sorrowing audience. Was Grisi then in earnest in her in- tention of retiring, and did she feel as much as she seemed to do ? We believe she was sincere, for her deportment did not look at all like acting. Her change of mind has probably been caused by change of circum- stances. At any rate, we are glad that she has changed her mind. Her retirement would make a dismal blank which there is no prospect of having filled up. And why should she retire, when she is at the full tide of her powers and popularity, and is, in every essential element of great- ness, a greater artist than ever ?