4 AUGUST 1860, Page 12



Yesterday, and again today, a tolerably active demand for Money pre- vailed in the discount market, and rates had an upward tendency ; they are, however, below the Bank minimum by /I 1, and may be quoted atupon the best class of paper. Supplies are good, but they have rather fall1, en off, owing to the preparations against the 4th. The Prench Emperor's letter gave a considerable amount of firmness to the Consol Market during the three first days of the week ; but sales to realize, and in anticipation of the issue of annuities for the defences have flattened the market. The highest price touched was 931, closing ads evening 931 1. in the Share Market, the announcement of the dividends has given a fresh impetus to buying. Those already declared are North-Eastern-Ber- wick-at the rate of 51 per cent per annum ; North-Eastern-York-41, and Leeds. 21; Midland, 61; Lancashire and Yorkshire, 51 ; South-Western, ; -Great Northern, 41. They have all proved equal to expectation, and had a favourable effect on the respective prices, as will be seen by the quo- tation, except the last, namely, Great Northern, the Market for which has gone easier. On Thursday, the price was 119 1, and for Great Northern, A, 1221 31. Midland Stock has shown the greatest improvement ; the highest price being 129 30, an advance of 8 per cent in the week. South-Eastern, _North Staffordshire, and Oxford, Worcester, and Wolverhampton, have also increased in value. The higher prices have been tolerably well sustained, though there has been today a reaction, as might be expected after so sharp a rise.

The Grand Trunk of Canada and Great Western of Canada have at last shown signs of recovery from their depression ; the traffics are better and the shares have been less freely offered. In miscellaneous shares there has been little variation and not much business.

In the Foreign Market there has been a better tone this week ; although no great activity has prevailed, more inquiries have been made for the leading stocks than has for some time been experienced. Turkish Stock, which was very fiat at the close of last week, has advanced 2 per cent, the market for this stock being decidedly good. Brazilian have also advanced nearly 1 per cent. Bullion is in demand for the Continent, our imports of goods having exceeded the exports, and restored the equilibrium ; all that arrives is at once taken. There is but a moderate demand for India and China. About 30,0001. have been withdrawn from the Bank. Altogether the imports of the week have exceeded 890,000/.