4 AUGUST 1900, Page 1

The week has been marked by a great crime. The

Anar- chists have murdered the King of Italy, a Monarch against whom there is no allegation, even among Republicans. Late in the evening of Sunday last King Humbert was attending some fête of an athletic society at Monza, when as he entered his carriage to return a man fired three shots from a revolver at him, one of which pierced his heart. He said, "It is nothing," and either died instantly, or while being driven to the Palace for medical attendance. The assassin le a silk weaver named Gaetano Bresci, and he avows himself an Anarchist. He has lived in America, and it is believed that he executed the " sentence " of a secret Italian club in New Jersey. Other accounts, however, locate the club in Paris. He refuses to denonnee his confederates, but it seems certain that he bad one accomplice on the spot, and that some hint of the intended crime had reached the police, who took precautions which the King resented. The crime has horrified Italy, and the Prince of Naples, who is already King as Victor Emanuel ILL, has received unequivocal evidences of loyalty. A report is oiroulated, no one knows whence, that four other Monarchs have been "sentenced," first among them being the German Emperor, whom the warning will, we hope, render safer.