4 AUGUST 1906, Page 2

In the course of the debate in the Lords, Lord

Courtney regretted that the scheme of proportional representation was rejected by the Government on the ground that the people of the Transvaal were opposed to it. Though the desire for such a scheme was not great at present, it was growing. Only by proportional representation could they realise the idea of "One vote one value." Lord Courtney also advocated the application of proportional representation to the Upper House. Lord Milner endorsed what Lord .Courtney had said in favour of proportional representation, and pointed out how fairly the system worked in the Upper House of the Cape. The rest of Lord Miler's speech was exceedingly pessimistic as to the effect of the new Constitu- tion. "From my point of view, it is unwise. It is absolutely wrong in the present circumstances to follow a course which may result within one year in handing over the Government of the Transvaal to Mr. Smuts and his colleagues."