3 AUGUST 1944, Page 14


SIR,--Why has the B.B.C. deprived us of the invaluable War Coy. mentaries formerly broadcast by Major Hastings and other able exper, on the general course of the war? The daily War Reports, interestini as they may be in depicting the individual lives of the troops, give to general guidance whatever. The Reports " selected " for publicati in the Listener of July 27th bear the following headlines: The C with the flowers, A cinema in a barn, The spirit of the dockers, Ca fait rim, Bath night in Bayeux. This gives the impression that War Correspondents, able and enterprising as they are, find it impossi to produce interesting material on this limited scale for seven nigh in every week. Surely one night at least could be spared for somethi more enlightening at this time of supreme interest.—Your truly,