3 AUGUST 1944, Page 14


StR,—Mr. G. W. Stead's letter raises the very important question of District Heating. Although the advantage of a smokeless atmosphere is incontestable, it is unfortunately difficult to assess in terms of pounds, shillings and pence. As an economic proposition, District Heating is not particularly attractive ; a return of about 6 per cent. is all that could be expected, at least for some time. Such a return would not prove attractive to private capital, and one wonders if any local authority would be prepared to start a development more or less untried as far as these islands are concerned.

On the Continent, particularly in Germany, many such installations were started after the last war, but there capital was attracted by lower returns than in this country and a colder winter than we experience creates a definite demand for such a service. However, one must hope that there is a sufficient number of far-sighted people like your correspondent to ensure that District Heating is fully considered in all planning schemes and that due weight is given to the health aspect, difficult though it is