4 DECEMBER 1830, Page 1

The new Edition of the "AN.sTonv of the House of

COMMONS," will be Pub. fished in consecutive numbers of the SPECTATOS for the last two weeks of the present month (the 18th and 23). Every effort will be made to render this important document the most complete plc. tore of the aetualstate of the Representation. It will contain many additions to the former publication, which will not allow of the present edition being published in a single number, without encroaching too much upon the usual varieties of the SPECTATOR. The alterations arising from the recent change of Ministry, and the new Elections, with numerous corrections communicated from all parts of the country, will be embodied in this edition. Information, as td the number of voters in any borough, resident and non-resident ; the nature' f the suffrage; the amount of the population; the predominating influence, whether in corporations or individuals; the considerations which' ordinarily move the electors of any place, or any considerable number of them, such as feasting, gratuities, direct or indirect bribery, and the various forms which the latter assumes; the costs of elections for particular places ; the present state of influence of individuals or classes of individuals who formerly possessed uncontrofled influence,—information upon these or ally other points, properly authenticated, will receive the greatest attention ; but it is necessary that all communications upon this subject be addressed to the Editor of the SPECTATOR,04. Wellington Street. Strand, without delay. "

All orders for the Papers should reach the office on or before the 13th, to prevent the disappointment which occurred to many when the first edition of the " Ana- tomy ' was printed.