4 DECEMBER 1841, Page 1

Switzerland has taken another instalment of revolution. A theologico-political dispute

in the Canton of Argau has given occa- sion for dissensions in other, Cantons ; the Aristocracy of the Pro- testant provinces siding with the turbulent and oppressed Catho- lics of Argau, the Democrats with the excessive austerity of the Argovian anti-Papists. In the central legislature, the deputy of the metropolitan Canton voted for the Aristocrats and the Catho- lics, against the suppression of the Argovian convents ; and his conduct has brought about a revolution in Geneva—the expulsion of the Aristocrats from their little remaining power, and the pro- mise of a thorough change in the constitution. These repeated revolutions in Switzerland bring a bad name upon Republicanism; when they are perhaps really due to the heat of fanaticism, antrthe restless discontent inseparable from the general pressure of great and constant individual poverty.