4 DECEMBER 1841, Page 8



There was a considerable demand for money during the early part of the week ; and on more than one occasion 6 per cent, interest was given for loans for a short period upon the security of English Stock. The prices declined in consequence, and Consols for Money were done as low as 884, while for Account the price was 891. This decline was chiefly owing to the near approach of the period for closing the books of those Stocks the dividends upon which become ane in Jannary next, and consequent indisposition of capitalists to lock up their capital until the commencement of the year. A considerable quantity of stock was therefore thrown upon the market : the pressure was, however, but temporary ; and yesterday, the day upon which the Consols actually shut, the price for money was as high as 89*, being an advance of per cent, upon the lowest prices. Today the market is still firmer ; and although the books are shut, bargains have occurred in Consols for Money by special transfer at 89 to 894, while the quotation for Account, which is now made ex-dividend, has been as high as 88/, or equal to 90 with divi- dead; thus also showing an advance of / per cent, from the lowest price of the week. It will be seen that at one time the difference of price between Stock for Money and for Account was as great as per cent.; for while the price for Money was 884, that for Account was 894: but since money has be- come more plentiful, the difference for the last few days has been only 4 per cent. We have already stated that the books of the Three per Cent. Consols closed yesterday : we may also add that India Stock closed on the same day ; those of the New Three-and-a-half per Cents, closed today ; those of the several other Stocks will close in the course of the next week. We give below a list of the days fixed for their shutting and reopening.

1841. 1842.

Three per Cent. Consols Friday, Jan. 19th New Three-and-a-half per Cents Three per Cent. Annuities, 1726. Dec. 10th.. Tuesday. Jan. 11th Annuities for Terms of Years ...Monday, Dec. 6th,.. Friday, Jan. 21st South Sea Stock Dec. 6th... .Wednesday. Jan. 12th

New South Se7a Annuities }Tuesday, Dec. 7th.. .Thursday, Jan. 13th

Ditto. Anno 151 East India Stock Tuesday, Jan. 18th

Both Bank and India Stock had experienced a decline, the former having fallen to 163/, and the latter to 2474; but have again recovered, Bank Stock being quoted today at 1644, and India Stock at 249 for Money, a bargain hav- ing been effected by special transfer although the books are closed. The pre- mium upon Exchequer Bills has remained stationary during the whole week at 8s. to 10s., but has today improved Is., and is quoted at 9s. to lie. The usual monthly return of the Bank-note circulation for the four weeks preceding the 13th November, appeared in the last Gazette, as follows—

Bank of England 17,065,000 Private Banks 6.288.723 Joint Stock Banks 3,421,135 26,774,858 SCOTLAND, Chartered, Private and Joint Stock Banks 3,383,036


Bank of Ireland Private and Joint Stock Banks 36.102,583 The average amount of bullion in the Bank of England during the same pe- riod was 4,218,0001.; being 273,000/. less than the last average on the 19th of last month, when the amount was 4,491,00W.

In the Foreign Market, the business in the Northern European Stocks has not been extensive. Dutch Two-and-a-half per Cents. have been at 524, but have declined about per cent.; closing, however, firmer this afternoon, in consequence of the improvement in the English Funds. The intelligence of the termination of the siege of Carthagena, has produced a favourable impres- sion upon the price of Columbian Bonds; which rose to 20/, and after giving way to 204, are today at 20/ 4. The other South American and Mexican are firmer. But the principal business has been confined to Spanish Active Stock; which, in consequence of the improvement in Madrid and Paris, rose on Thurs- day to 25/. The great demand for money, however, caused the price to give way to 25 in the early part of that day ; and a further depression to 244 oc- curred in the course of the afternoon, in consequence of a sale of 100,000/. Stock made on the occasion of the arrival of a courier with intelligence that some delay had occurred in the pending arrangement for the capitalization of the over-due Coupons. This piece of news became generally known in the course of yesterday, and the result was a decline to 234; though before the close of business a rally occurred to 24. The market opened firmly this morn- ing, and the quotation reached 244 ; the speculators being encouraged by the continued rise in Madrid and Paris : but this quotation has not been sup- ported, and the market has gone down despite the operations of an influential purchaser; and after being at 231, closes 4 per cent. higher, viz. 234 24. It is generally believed that some unfavourable intelligence is in town, of a later date than our ordinary advices from Madrid, which are to the 24th November; and the only conjecture as to its nature is that the capitalization scheme is aban- doned. Portuguese Bonds have also improved rather more than 1 per cent.; though the purchases have been confined to one or two influential individuals, while the public generally seem to have sold stock. There has not been much business in Railway Shares, with the exception of those of the Brighton line, which have receded to 35/. per Share or 15 die. SATURDAY. TY;ELVE O'CGOCK,.

Transactions have occurred in Consols and New Three-and-a-half per Cents. for Money by special transfer, the former at 894 and the latter at 994 and 4. Exchequer Bills are the same, viz. 10s. to I Is. prem. Consols for Ac- count are also without variation, viz. 8844.

In the Foreign Market the only fluctuation has been in Spanish Actives, which opened at 234, has since been 234, and is now 234 4. The only transactions in Railway Shares have been in Great Western,. at 15 premium ; South Western, at 554 and 561; and Brighton, at 35i both per Share. The latter are about 10s. higher than yesterday.


The English Funds are firmer at the dose ; prices generally marking an ad- vance of 4 per cent., Consols for Account being 884 4. In the Foreign Mar- ket, Spanish Active had advanced to 24-1, in consequence of a large speculative purchase ; but has since been depressed to 234, from sales by the same party. A second edition of the Times solves the mystery of the fall: an express has been received bringing intelligence of a decline of 44 per cent. in Madrid, where. the price of the Five per Cents, on the 26th ult. was 31.

Brighton Railway Shares are lower, viz. 35/ /.

3 per Cent. Consols shut Columbian 6 per Cents ..... 204 Ditto for Account

824 f

Danish 3 per 'Cents 79 3 per Cent. Reduced 884 k Dutch 21 per Cents 52 34 per Cent. Ditto 98 Mexican 5 per Cents. Coned.

25k 1 New :II per Cents

shut Portuguese Regency 5 per Cta.

334 4 -

Bank Stock 1634 44

Ditto New 5 per Cents. 1841 .

284 9 Exchequer Bills .... 10 11 pm Ditto 3 per Ceuta 204 India Stock shut Russian .5 per Cents ..... 114 15

Brazilian 5 per Cents

584 91- Spanish (Active) 231 Belgian 5per Centa 1004 14

3.333,375 2,611,314 5,994.689