4 DECEMBER 1880, Page 1

But this appeal to Welsh Conservatives fell as dead in

Car- narvonshire as a shell fired into a bank of clay. On Monday, Mr. Rathbone was elected by a majority not appreciably short of that which seated Mr. Watkin Williams at the general elec- tion, and one which is relatively greater, when we consider that a general election always arouses more enthusiasm than a by- election ; that Mr. Nanney like Mr. Watk in Williams is a Welsh- man, and Mr. Rathbone is not; and that an attempt at least was made to undermine Mr. Rathbone's popularity with the constituency, on the ground that he belongs to one of the least " orthodox " of the Christian denominations. Nevertheless, he carried the seat against a most popular Welsh Conservative, Mr. Nanney, by a majority of 1,029 (Mr. Rathbone, 3,180; Mr. Nanney, 2,151), Mr. Watkin Williams's majority in April having been only 1,097. Mr. Rathbone's election is the gain of a wise and experienced Member on all questions of finance, commerce, and business, and of a thoroughly sagacious and loyal, though a moderate Liberal, on all political questions whatever.