4 DECEMBER 1909, Page 10

Kit Carson in the Rockies. By Everett McNeil. (W. and

R. Chambers. 5s.)—The "Rookies," it must be understood, are not the Canadian range which we commonly understand by the name. The story opens with the arrival of a caravan in Santa Fe, and we learn that the hero, who at that time is missing, must be looked for somewhere between the Missouri River and the Pacific Ocean.

The two lads who have to look for him, and for some mysterious papers also—it seems necessary to have a mystery of some kind— promise themselves a good time while they are about the job, and have it, not, of course, without some things which have to be reckoned on the per contra side. Buffaloes—there were still buffaloes outside the Yellowstone Park—grizzly bears, and Indians were there to supply the sweets and bitters of a hunter's life. Mr. McNeil knows how to tell a story of this kind, and will take his readers with him unwearied to the end.