4 DECEMBER 1909, Page 33


[To TIM EDITOR 01 TUX ..srscrAros.'l beg leave to report that I have already received, with the kindest of letters, money and promises to the extent of £315 1's. from forty-one correspondents. None of the sums given or promised exceeds £10, but several correspondents say they are willing to give more if needed, and would have done so now but for such a limit having been suggested. May I add that I am in hearty accord with the suggestions you make as to the administration of the fund, and that I hope it may now be regarded as definitely established, to be used imme- diately where in the judgment of the Committee a. prosecution of author, publisher, or distributor is clearly justified on public grounds ? No list of subscribers will be published, but they shall be fully informed as to the Committee and the lines on which they propose to work. It will be obvious that the larger the guarantee, the more formidable will be the deterrent to those who would otherwise continue to write or publish or distribute poisonous books and papers.—I am, Sir, &c., Wellington House, Westgate-on-Sea. HERBERT BULL.