4 DECEMBER 1920, Page 3

Mr. Lloyd George, addressing the Federation of British Industries on

Tuesday night, pleaded for a reduction of Public and private expenditure. The depression in trade

- he said, was the result of the war. Europe was too poor tel buy our goods, much as it needed them. The first remedy was peace. "Stamp out the men who are going about with petrol tins to start fresh fires." Mr. Lloyd George expressed his desire to free industry from Government control and Government interference. Publio expenditure must be cut down ; too many critics who objected to one kind of spending were ardent advo- cates of another kind. A Government Committee was revising the Estimates. "We shall have to ask," said the Prime Minister, "for the support of the nation when the scream comes front the other side ; because it is coming." Every household, he added, ought to do the same.