4 FEBRUARY 1837, Page 12


Arri‘ed—At Gravesend, Feb. 2r1, hero of Grundy, from Madras. At l'orts- irottli, lin. 31.1, Stratheden.Cheape, than ltengal ; and Feb. 2d, Royal %Villiain, Ire. Rom :Slittlras. Off Brighton, ditto, Nor 1.4k, )1.4_;iblotiny, front Mauritius. Off Portland, Felt. 1st. Argyle, Thompson, froni Betsg.11. .wt the Cape, Nov. 25t11, Flora. I Rh., 71itchell, trona Lit ; 26th, llobarts. Eldon ; aiib, Doke of Argyle, Bristow; — ; and 29th, l's)elie, Reaped). rant Lannon. At Mauritius, Eagle, patter On; Laid Sairmuez, ittwe ; Sterling, —; a n1 Ly lor, Emly, hurt Lon- don ; M ices a, —, from Bristol ; Ulu Wooddl, Arno1.1, from Liverpaal ; Tropic, ki.,; and 'Malabar, Dunlop. honk the Clyde. :\t Spin-, Sept. flit, Sesostrig, :24111. Thew-a, Young ; 25th, Duke of Lane:L.1er, Hargrave,: ; 27th, Exmouth, V.. 414 Lily of Edinburgh, Frazer ; Thoroas Grew ille, Thornhill ; Oct. 11th, True 11..aelt ; and Roxburgh Castle, —. all from London. At Bengal. Sept. 95th, Reverlev ; 1.awrintre, Gill; 26th. Curtleiia, Crigiltou; and 27th, Fatima, Fel W.rs, from pc,o1; Elepbaute, Wideman, from the Clyde ; and Repulse, Pryer, (rem Sailed —Front Gravesend, Jan. 25th, Africa, Skelton, for Madras; and 30th, Madras, Quintet, for Budbay. S.erupp.ye. 'MORNING. Ari d oft 1.1vertaol, Magnet, inn, from Bengal. Off Cork, Renown, 51' Lead, jann it ias. At Bristol, Paragon, Cock, tram ditto.