4 FEBRUARY 1882, Page 1

The news from Egypt is most serious. The Assembly of

Notables has been asked by Arabi Bey to refuse all compromise on the Budget, and as the Notables depend upon military sup- port, they have complied. They have demanded explicitly the fall control of the Budget—that is, of the Treasury—and Cherif Pasha has consequently resigned. It is believed, and indeed known, that lie will be succeeded by Mahmoud Sarni, a nominee of Arabi Bey, who himself takes the Ministry of War. Remembering the previous negotiations, this change, of course, means that the supremacy of the Control is at an end, that their immense staff of European agents will be dismissed, and that the native Ministry will deal with the Treasury at its own discretion. Already, it is said, the pecuniary demands of Arabi Bey, while only Under-Secretary for War, have greatly embar- rassed the Ministers ; but for fear of a military outbreak, they have always been complied with. There are, we believe, heavy arrears still due to the troops.